Example sentences of "[prep] [art] next few day [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For the next few days we made love with a kindliness and consideration we had never experienced before .
2 For the next few days she had carried the tiny dragon everywhere .
3 For the next few days she refused to speak to anyone , even me .
4 For the next few days he is going to be a bit sore .
5 For the next few days I was horribly inactive , gripped by a lethargy that I could not for the life of me understand .
6 During the next few days we lost my pony , two of our riding mules and five more baggage mules .
7 During the next few days I lived in terror , doors locked , ready to fly — to leave through the front door if Aunt Louise came to the back , or out of the back door if I saw her coming down the path .
8 During the next few days I saw a lot of ‘ Deemy ’ and it was he who suggested that Major Hal could clear the decks for me to accompany him on his next flight back to Siberia .
9 That first day at school depressed me , and during the next few days I begged my parents to let me stay at home , which of course was out of the question .
10 During the next few days I went about my duties with propriety and correctness .
11 But unless the children 's parents raise twenty thousand pounds within the next few days it will close .
12 In the next few days you will be briefed by your managers who will be picking up issues specific to your particular part of the organisation and who will act as feedback channels for your questions and concerns .
13 And it is expected that in the next few days she will address the military 's other grievances .
14 In the next few days she had kept speaking of their child as ‘ my son ’ , with a possessiveness that struck him as bestial and prescient .
15 In the next few days he was busy making size , painting signs and colouring the room and ‘ hooking . ’
16 Unless there is news of a signing for us in the next few days I am seriously think of saying fuck off to Leeds .
17 Over the next few days we went paddling everywhere we could , starting with mud and graduating to small and then larger puddles .
18 Over the next few days I shall be looking at the Activity Book and Video Guide again in detail with our designer Phil Hall and then , with the stills from Michael Keefe , shall be able to send you a revised schedule .
19 Over the next few days I was in touch by letter and by phone with Eliot , and finally it was arranged , in a note dated 9 May , that I should lunch with him on Thursday 19 May , which , as he carefully specified , was Ascension Day .
20 Over the next few days it became clear that Jake was avoiding her .
21 Over the next few days he was never out of the press and in one emotional moment he confided to a journalist that he felt betrayed by Scotland .
22 It was strange , the conversation Dad and I had , because when I saw him at home later and over the next few days he behaved as if it had never happened , as if he had n't told me he 'd fallen in love with someone else .
23 She 'd known him barely two days , and already he 'd steered her through more emotions than she 'd known herself capable of — And , much to her very great surprise , over the next few days he insisted on showing her the countryside .
24 Over the next few days he made a remarkably swift recovery .
25 Over the next few days she made a point of visiting the two animals in their enclosure .
26 Over the next few days she was to find out just how true that was .
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