Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few [noun pl] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some people did expect an awful lot from those youngsters for the few shillings they paid them .
2 She also sewed clothes for toys and puppets , tiny dresses and jackets for anthropomorphic bears and monkeys and robes and mantles in silks and velvets for the few puppets they sold in the shop and gowns and breeches for the tall puppets who performed in the theatre .
3 ‘ I ca n't say as much for the few farmers I 've met — always with the exception of Mr Jarvis , of course .
4 A single national centre is appropriate only for the few services which involve delivery to all addresses in Britain ( e.g. mail order ) , very occasional visits ( e.g. specialized medical advice ) or a particular type of service or activity with a client group that lives close to it and is not represented elsewhere in the country ( e. g. certain elements of central government , the national media and business services ) .
5 Near nightfall he saw his younger sister Katya come out of the kitchens into the yard , saw her empty some slops for the few chickens who scuttled about .
6 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law have revealed that she was killed for the few pounds she had in her house .
7 Even when Guy left her for the few seconds it took him to remove his own clothes , his murmured words of love and praise still warmed and reassured her .
8 Beeney was well positioned for the few shots he had to take .
9 During the few minutes they chatted , apart from mentioning he was divorced , he did not bring up Liza 's name .
10 Try to think of those good points of Sarah 's , Christine , and you wo n't mind about the few points she loses ! ’
11 Schmidt looked through the few things she brought out .
12 Hari had remained in the cemetery long after the few neighbours who had attended Win Morgan 's funeral had gone .
13 But I had to keep stopping to peer at the pages , so after a few attempts I gave up .
14 After a few attempts I found I was turning like Robby Naish for the first part of the turn , then falling in on the inside of the turn .
15 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
16 But after a few hours it became hard to disguise .
17 After a few moments which allowed her to gather her thoughts , she replied in a quiet , even voice :
18 After a few moments we realize why .
19 Their arguments were faultless and after a few moments I felt myself drowning in doubt , drowning in the time trap surrounding the area .
20 He disappeared into the stable and after a few moments I peeped inside .
21 His presence inhibited her , completely destroying the pleasant atmosphere which had prevailed between Rob and herself , and after a few moments she took no part in the talk , merely listening with interest to Rob 's account of his holiday .
22 After a few moments she said , ‘ My God , I think he 's dead . ’
23 After a few moments she had relaxed fully , her apprehension shrivelled by the atmosphere of friendliness and laughter .
24 After a few moments she climbed down to the space station and ran off in the opposite direction to the shapechanger .
25 After a few moments he began walking , pausing once to look up at the grand facade of the Shelbourne .
26 After a few moments he realized they were flying on an interception course .
27 After a few moments he returned .
28 After a few moments he said calmly , ‘ Now , Jane , be sensible .
29 After a few minutes we watched them crossing the field , alongside the hedgerow .
30 After a few minutes they passed the first of the estate workers ' cottages , two storey , stone-built , and around three hundred years old .
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