Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few [noun] [adv] they " in BNC.

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1 That was , that was what the crew were getting four pound a week and course my father that time he done away with a cabin boy so I had to do more or less two jobs , see if I were n't working on deck I 'd go down and clean the cabins and that 's how , that 's how we kept the money going course then after a few years when they got to the finish about nineteen thirty one then the harbourmaster turned round and he ruc reduced our wages five shillings a week , so we were getting three pound fifteen a week .
2 For the very poorest the station was one of the few places where they could encounter the better-off , and attempt some income redistribution by the provision of services like newspaper-selling , boot-blacking , hawking , or simply begging .
3 Yeah but I agree totally with what , and the other lady has just said , but the other thing is is the amount of money that is spent when , you know , someone royal is coming for a visit because all of a sudden , you know , you have people in this country who are living in absolute poverty and yet because the royal sort of erm limousine is going past erm , for a few seconds where they stay all of a sudden the front of the house is painted !
4 The political activity of women is limited and , in the few cases where they do achieve positions of some power , these positions are often linked to the traditional female role .
5 Some information on survivors is very sketchy , and in order to maintain some form of balance in the listing , we have refrained from giving serial numbers , registrations ( in the few places where they apply ) or similar .
6 We shall have Bryan Robson and Lee Sharpe mush fitter in a few weeks when they have had more games . ’
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