Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few [noun] with a " in BNC.

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1 The custodianship of the path had become the prerogative of a few specialists with a fund of empirical knowledge which they gravely applied to securing the smooth passage of the Wheel .
2 I know the erm , remarks made about getting extra people to register and to have their green card , I 'm probably one of a few councillors with a green card .
3 I showered and then decided to lie in a hot bath for a few minutes with a cup of tea at my elbow and the latest Kingsley Amis in front of my face .
4 But this means that the soil for seed-sowing can be done simply by covering a patch for a few days with a sheet of polythene anchored by bricks or stones — in the absence , of course , of cloches .
5 John went over to Mosquito Island where he has established James for a few days with a government tent , man and fitting-up .
6 ‘ Oh — it 's my son — he 's got cystic fibrosis , and my wife 's gone away for a few days with a friend for a break .
7 I made him understand that he was to stay where he was and I would return in a few minutes with a tin of tobacco .
8 He returned in a few minutes with a very wet and chastened Liam and the cortege was complete .
9 It was a few feet by a few feet with a bench to sit on .
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