Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first part [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If your motor cycle is lost or damaged you will be responsible for the first part of any cost as shown below .
2 Right , agree with what councillor and councillor have had to say about the first part of this .
3 So the argument we have now reached seems to be a complex defence of the first part of that first sceptical argument .
4 The bulk of the first part of this book is devoted to the contractual relationship between the buyer and seller , i.e. the rights and duties between them .
5 In the late 1520s and 1530s , Henry VIII had embarked on a spectacular , even murderous matrimonial career in an attempt to save his kingdom from the first part of that curse .
6 2 A consistent focus on grammar and pronunciation is provided in the first part of each unit
7 Meat production in the Soviet Union was down 12% in the first part of this year , while milk production has fallen by 10% .
8 The same is true , in addition , of some of the examples considered in the first part of this chapter : the cities of the Roman empire valued the important temples and buildings in their city rather more than , say , the sources of their agricultural wealth or their other important industries such as marble quarries , pottery or metalworking .
9 In the first part of this chapter , I discuss the anatomy and physiology of brains .
10 Against the background of the general discussion in the first part of this chapter , the remainder of this section highlights some types of patients ' problems related to communicating and the relevant nursing activities .
11 IN THE first part of this book Michael Shallis gives an interesting non-technical account of how modern physics has gone on from the common-sense notion of time to a whole series of fundamental changes .
12 In the first part of this , ‘ Fixation of Belief , he outlines the project of grounding logical rules in the ‘ presupposition ’ of scientific inquiry — that there is a discoverable reality — and in subsequent papers attempts to do just that .
13 What is clear is that this golden age did not exist in the mid 1950s , in the first part of this century nor in the first half of the last century .
14 In the first part of this investigation of cordless power tools Jeremy Broun examines their rise in popularity and some of the recent developments .
15 Each of the three hypotheses making up the theory of determinism to be expounded in the first part of this book has to do with mental events , which is to say events within consciousness .
16 In the first part of this book we will be " filling the education gap " .
17 In the first part of this century a shepherd , returning from his upland pasture near Rennes-le-Chateaux , stumbled and fell into a fissure in the limestone escarpment , breaking his leg .
18 The set of general criteria generated in the first part of this chapter is intended to provide a framework of maximum support for this style of education .
19 In the first part of this project , the researchers intend to investigate how the choice of estimation method affects statistics used to test assumptions about such models .
20 In the first part of this , on the proposed December 1990 Conference on Political Union , UK reservations were expressed at certain points in the communiqué [ marked here in italics followed by the words " UK reservation " ] , with the words : " On these points the UK delegation prefers not to pre-empt the debate in the intergovernmental conference . "
21 The authors of the remarkable study quoted so extensively in the first part of this chapter themselves point out that
22 Our objective in the first part of this chapter is to combine these pieces of analysis and so derive a more general model ( developed originally by J.R .
23 This is a fax I want you to send to Ian in Aiden Mouth and it reads as follows good afternoon Ian , at long last I 've been able to get down to this memo of yours , dated the thirtieth alt can you please let me know the actual deliveries ' figures in the first part of this memo .
24 Now he then comes on in the second part of the report to look at the fourteen great achievements and I mean two things A what are those achievements and do those achievements back up and support these kinds of very general maybe propaganda kind of stances that Mao is taking up in the first part of this report .
25 In Britain we have had little chance of forming an opinion , certainly as to the first part of that sentence , but as to the second ( ‘ the richest , fullest … ‘ ) it coincides exactly with my own reaction to her Wigmore Hall recital in London .
26 Some respondents answered ‘ no ’ to the first part of this question and then quoted a figure for the second part — making it difficult to discern their real attitude to the issue of capping institutional claims , and complicating the interpretation of the statistics .
27 Mr. Gardiner relied on the first part of this quotation as stating the principle of recoverability in wide terms .
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