Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first [noun sg] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 While at university , Alison had the chance to go to America during the first summer vacation with BUNAC — British Universities North America Club .
2 Unfortunately heavy losses occurred during the First World War with all four being sunk .
3 The Empire reached its zenith after the First World War with the acquisition of former German colonies in Africa and with the addition of League of Nations mandates to govern parts of the old Ottoman Empire in the Middle East — Palestine , Jordan and Iraq .
4 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
5 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
6 Hull had the better of the first half struggle with Russ Wilcox their outstanding player , unlucky when his powerful header was tipped over the top .
7 This gives a value for the bigram transition i , j and the index in the trigram array of the first trigram beginning with that bigram .
8 The earnings potential of a first degree student with one year of office experience is the same as that of a second degree student who after six years still only has one year of experience to offer .
9 RVS was a master printer and an amateur pianist , the latter facility enabling him to help out a friend who was touring the Glasgow districts before the First World War with a projector and a bag full of short silent films .
10 As she was taken away , other officers moved in to find Pringle , 24 , slumped in the first floor bedroom with injuries to his neck and face .
11 Most days in the first week start with a chat about the next harbour , anchoring there , what 's available , and the likely weather .
12 ‘ By 1976 , the Government decided it had to act and that led to the first TV campaign with the line ‘ Do n't take your car for a drink ’ . ’
13 1 patient withdrew because of symptomatic hypotension with visual illusions on the first test day with 200 mg Ro 40-7592 , but the other 10 completed study .
14 Thus , for each of the four townships , it should be possible to compare the users identified by the first prevalence study with the users generated by the snowball sample in the same township to produce the required ratio of hidden to known use .
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