Example sentences of "[prep] [art] last [det] years [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So you , you could put him into property , erm but erm I do n't know if he 'd been in the U K for the last few years whether he 'd be that keen on commercial property .
2 ‘ I 've been fed up for the last few years and people have been telling me I am in danger of wasting my time .
3 Cornwall has kept the Championship flag flying for the last few years and has continued to emphasise my own view that such a competition could have an important place .
4 Such an event normally takes us to Dartmoor or Exmoor , has run on the same basis for the last few years and is planned to the last minute — so why the meeting ?
5 Maureen has n't worked for the last few years and she 's ill herself , she 's got hepatitis B.
6 Scotland must take their chances in London against a side that has been the most consistent for the last few years if they are to come away with the spoils of victory .
7 By that date , he was an ailing man , and apart from his routine duties , his first tasks were to clear up the muddles of the last few years and re-establish an acceptable procedure for future episcopal elections , investitures , and acts of homage .
8 There have been more cancelled and postponed competitions here in the last few years than live ones — all of which reflects badly on the BMC as controllers .
9 In the United Kingdom , the Publishers Association report roughly a 9 per cent growth in the British book market in the last few years while electronic sectors are showing growth rates of around 20 per cent .
10 At least one bookseller remarked to me that so many ex-library books had come on to the market in the last few years that he had begun to realise what it must have been like when the great monastic libraries were being dispersed .
11 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
12 Although the pied flycatcher 's adultery has been known about since 1950 , it is only in the last few years that the scientist Rauno Alatalo and his colleagues , studying pied flycatchers in Sweden , have begun to unravel the finer details .
13 And I mean there has been up until fairly recently , it 's only in the last few years that relations have tended to get a bit better .
14 Such has been the rate of change in the last few years that the 1981 Census has become woefully outdated .
15 He told delegates : ‘ A lot of good people , good socialists have been deluded into joining the SNP in the last few years because they thought that was the best way to defeat the Tory government .
16 Now I suppose that kind of model of what goes on in families has been disrupted a bit in the last few years because increasingly people have drawn attention to the way in which um often the person doing the abuse is the most powerful person within that family situation .
17 ‘ The industry has cleaned up its act in the last few years and we import from restricted countries , ’ said the timber merchant .
18 The yacht harbour , Muelle Deportivo , has seen many improvements in the last few years and even more are planned for the future under the dynamic president of the port , José Manuel Hernandez .
19 But they have changed in the last few years and there are some quite significant elements about personal allowances that you ought to know about , one of which is independent taxation , and this talk is actually personal allowances and independent taxation .
20 Imaging technology has come a long way in the last few years and there are currently available several Imaging systems which in theory could integrate with Council Tax software .
21 But in Latin America , even the crudest indicators such as per capita GNP , or gross national product ( which takes no account of wealth distribution ) show that people 's incomes have actually gone down in the last few years and their health , education and nutrition have gone down with them .
22 The project is following up those young people who have left the Association 's training schemes in the last few years and is investigating , through questionnaires and interviews , how the employers of those ex-trainees make their recruitment decisions .
23 I 've heard hundreds of judges in the last few years and Mr is one of the very few who , in , in every picture delivers a very picture .
24 There was a period when cyclists disappeared from the Meet altogether but they have started to return in the last few years and among the highlights of this year 's event — May 22–25 — will be a return to races on the old grass cycle track around the perimeter of Richmond Cricket Club 's ground and a road race for penny-farthings .
25 Staff turnover has been high in the last few years as school closure has loomed closer .
26 It is true that employee numbers have been reduced by around an eighth over the last few years but only as a by-product of the printer 's massive £130m capital investment programme .
27 The problem can be quite severe , er we 've had a number of penalties introduced by customs and excise over the last few years but what we 're going to see from the 1st April in this year is interest being charged on overdue moneys paid to customs and excise and also a penalty charged where people make a mistake on their VAT returns , even where they make those mistakes quite innocently .
28 In some areas the precise details of the ban coverage has changed over the last few years and climber are requested to check that they re aware of these updates .
29 Unit-linked policies by and large have performed fairly well over the last few years and have consequently been growing in popularity .
30 What what the government , what the erm the consortium and paper 's about er , is improving the , the identification band that was hanging over of of health care , once that recipe is will get much larger consortium er , it 's much widespread of er , devotion , expertise er , er professionalism in in assessing health needs er think about one of those areas that have been saved from in West Essex over the last over the last few years and by going into a much larger group with more resources erm , there will , they will be able to actually er work er far , far more effectively in sorting out what 's actually needed .
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