Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first [adj] years [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the first few years the Sunday School met in a private house , possibly that of a Mr Thomas Leathem .
2 For the first few years the maximum carriage length remained at 42ft .
3 For the first few years the work was concerned with the Old Red Sandstone along the southern margin of the Highlands but soon men were stationed at various points around the Grampians , including the Moray Firth area , and were advancing towards the higher ground .
4 For the first few years the remands were unopposed , since it would plainly have been inappropriate to proceed against the applicant whilst the Carrian prosecution was still afoot .
5 The CNAA could not establish boards for every subject component of degrees in education , and in the event for the first few years the Committee for Education , using a range of specialist panels in support , itself carried out the validation work .
6 After 1839 the number of staff gradually increased but for the first 20 years the work was confined to southern Britain , limited by the availability of Ordnance Survey maps .
7 However , in case of foreign participation in excess of 20 per cent of the equity or 5 million forints the assessment is reduced by 20 per cent , but if more than half of the income is derived from manufacturing goods or carrying on the business of a hotel , and the stock capital exceeds 25 million forints and the foreign participation exceeds 30 per cent , then during the first five years the tax is reduced by 60 per cent and thereafter by 40 per cent .
8 During the first three years an average of well under 200 teacher-days a year were spent on English courses , a surprisingly modest allocation of time in view of the status of English as a core curriculum area .
9 Although it appears that sentencing became more severe during the first three years the guide-lines were in use , Minnesota remains one of the very few states that has avoided huge increases in prison population size ( Parent 1988 ) .
10 In the first six years a total of 266 reviews were conducted identifying annual savings of –600m with an additional 67m of one-off savings ( Making Things Happen , 1985 , p. 9 ) .
11 In the first two years a third of the course work is in economics .
12 The large wartime backlog of investment left considerable scope for economies in new investment , as in the first ten years the length of distribution mains in service were extended by nearly a third .
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