Example sentences of "[prep] [art] two [noun pl] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Significant differences were found within each hemisphere for the two forms of the same word but an overall greater magnitude of response was recorded over the left hemisphere .
2 The Sarabande , ‘ very slow and stately ’ , for the two leaders of the taller girls with Poole and himself .
3 A SEARCH was under way for the two companions of a hillwalker found dead in the Cairngorms last night .
4 It would be sensible if we had a common system of training for the two sides of the profession ( apart from specialist subjects ) , so that the choice could be postponed until the last ; but this has not been done .
5 Bryan Bland is a ‘ well-known bird watcher ’ ; we ( the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Leicester Group ) had borrowed him for the two days of a winter weekend .
6 For the two days of the show I cluck round them — soothing , calming , encouraging and reassuring .
7 Here is the general syllabus for the two levels of the course .
8 The teachers ' industrial action has limited this particular development , and the evaluators know of seven events which were either postponed or cancelled during the two years of the evaluation ; it is also probably the case that attendance at those events that did run was less than it would have been in happier times .
9 During the two years of the Broadway production , there had been frequent changes of cast , but backstage staff at the Prince of Wales Theatre talked of a growing gap in the working relationship between Crawford and Cuka , and the management eventually admitted there had been a ‘ personality conflict ’ .
10 During the two months of the rainy season , they may do so every day .
11 In the proofs below characterizing the sequential equilibrium of the reputation game these two separate possibilities will feature as the two cases of a proposition .
12 As the two sections of the bridge rose majestically into the air somehow it felt as if he had arranged it especially for her .
13 Before it could be used in a differential drill , however , it must have been thoroughly mastered as a separate substitution drill and trouble spots such as the two positions of the negative must be fully controlled .
14 The use of the term in Editor 's Choice includes case reports , such as the two lessons of the week , one of which describes no fewer than 36 patients .
15 We should also note that the principle of the parallelism of greater precision concerns primarily the relation between the two lines of a couplet ; it does not focus on the relationship between the members of the two lines , either grammatically or semantically .
16 Sandwich the top of the lining between the two layers of the tape , turning the ends over twice to bring them level with the sides of the lining ( fig. 27 ) .
17 The contraction of these muscles widens the angle between the two plates of a pair and , in this way , causes the protraction of the head .
18 Although there may be some ‘ suspicion and distrust ’ between the two sections of the professional-managerial class , the Ehrenreichs stress that the division should not be exaggerated .
19 Quite quickly the contact between the two sections of the rural population can become limited to the activity of a few ‘ go-betweens ’ , whose employment requires them to relate to both sides .
20 However , they felt that this did not grasp the nettle of community division and conflict between the two sections of the working class .
21 And perhaps most interesting of all : ‘ The great contrast between the two divisions of the Archipelago is nowhere so abruptly exhibited as on passing from the island of Bali to that of Lombok , where the two regions are in closest proximity .
22 Once equilibrium is restored — as soon as the pile of water is distributed , and El Niño has run its course — the discrepancy in salinity between the two areas of the ocean starts to build up again ; until , after four or five years , another El Niño is triggered .
23 But the battle to take over as Labour leader will become the focus for a potentially acrimonious debate between the two wings of the party over the cause of the defeat .
24 This similarity between the two prongs of the attack on classical foundationalism looks pleasing .
25 Such an act of statesmanship appears the only way to avoid an outbreak of fighting between the two giants of the Commonwealth .
26 Competition is so great between the two giants of the industry ( and I have n't even begun to think about Unix and the Mac operating system , never mind the combined IBM/Apple OS ) that , behind the hype ( of which I predict there will be much ) there will be a rock solid operating system developed , and it will be just what the doctor ordered .
27 Something about an incredible chemistry radiating between the two stars of the show ? ’
28 Nearly half of all referrals from the latter practice ( a fundholder ) went to private clinics , but this proportion remained unchanged between the two phases of the study .
29 Whilst millions of words were written on pricing policies and capital finance in nationalised industries , little serious thought was given to the economic relationships between the two sectors of the economy or to those between government and industry generally .
30 The distinction between the two branches of the profession is an artificial one .
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