Example sentences of "[prep] [art] two [noun pl] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This proved not to be the case , partly because the relationship between the two countries underwent a transformation in the period 1966–70 .
2 Other points of conflict between the two countries included the reluctance of the US administration to allow India to buy certain items of advanced technology , including a " supercomputer " and defence items , because of fears that such grants would breach technology transfer restrictions and perhaps lead to the items falling into the hands of the Soviet Union through India 's close ties with that country [ see p. 34947 ] .
3 In between the two families sat the village qazi and two other bearded maulvis .
4 Between the two factions stood the Wyrmberg 's hereditary Loremaster .
5 The crunch of the impact between the two wings smothered the crack and whine of the bullet , which drilled through the windscreen before his face .
6 An acrimonious dispute between the two houses greeted the announcement of the figures .
7 With the re-emergence of the UGT from its period of relative inactivity during Francoism ( it had refused to participate in the vertical union system ) , the ideological divisions between the two unions became an important feature of the post-1975 Spanish labour movement .
8 When scoring only the strongly reactive nuclei in the PCNA assay , which were assumed to represent the S phase cells , the individual proliferation indices between the two methods showed a Spearman correlation coefficient of r s =0.6 ( p=0.011 ) ( Fig 1 ) .
9 The subsequent tension between the two men created an atmosphere in which there were two attempted coups in 1983 , both emanating from sections of the army loyal to Ahidjo .
10 Between the two parties stood the King , at heart a conservative but at times favouring the Reform party for reasons of domestic or foreign policy .
11 It happened after the two strippers invited a man in the audience to join them on stage .
12 The disparity of the two countries provoked a rough division of French politicians into two schools of thought .
13 But it was Eadmer , with his keen eye for significant detail , who noted two points omitted by Osbern : he observed that , as the monks stood round the sufferer , each of the two groups spoke a language which the other could not understand ; and also he remarked that things went more smoothly after this event .
14 The release of the two Germans opened the way for the unfreezing of European Community ( EC ) aid to Lebanon which had been withheld at the insistence of the German government .
15 The defendant had argued that this information , ie the knowledge that the combination of the two ingredients produced an effective drier could not be protected by an injunction since the knowledge of that combination was knowledge which the second defendant must inevitably have taken away from the plaintiffs when he left their employment and that he could not proceed to expunge that knowledge from his mind .
16 The unusual closeness of the two families obscured the glare of loathing by which they were surrounded .
17 The members of the two branches felt no need to formulate a new philosophy or design an ideological camera .
18 Well , when we say horrifying car crash what we really mean is that one of the two cars got a puncture and the other vehicle bashed into the back of them but you never know , it could have been worse .
19 In June 1987 the leaders of the two councils had a formal meeting , known as the ‘ réunion des quatres présidents ’ , with the English and French chairmen of Eurotunnel , and a collaborative Channel Tunnel research programme involving the Universities of Kent and Lille II was set up .
20 When we look at the relationship between choice of /Ε/; realization and individual social network structure , we find a pattern emerging converse to the one described for /a/ ; recall also that the incoming variants of the two vowels showed an almost converse distribution with regard to status , sex of speaker and speech styles .
21 Supporters of Croatian and Slovene indpendence blithely state that the Germaninspired EC recognition of the two republics brought the war to a halt in Croatia .
22 Over the three pairs of tests ( N = 269 ) , 46 pupils would have passed on one of the two occasions had the pass mark been 50 per cent and 54 had it been 70 per cent .
23 The implicit linking of the two issues represented the most serious attack on the patriotism of Clinton yet mounted by the President , and was denounced by the Clinton team as " a pathetic ploy by a desperate politician " .
24 As foreseen under the peace agreement , officials of the two parties began the first meeting of their Joint Political and Military Commission , together with Soviet , US and Portuguese representatives , in Luanda on June 17 .
25 The departure of the two parties removed the Shamir government 's parliamentary majority .
26 Negotiations opened but it was several months before the two men reached an agreement for ‘ substantial borrowings ’ .
27 Defeat in the quarterfinals of the Benson & Hedges Cup and modest form in the two leagues thickened the cloud over Old Trafford , but failed to depress David Hughes , assistant manager in day-to-day charge of the first team .
28 Non-intervention and the differential impact of foreign aid upon the two sides made a Republican victory all but impossible .
29 This was delayed until after the rest day , taking much of the heat out of the situation , and a public hand-shaking by the two players concluded the issue .
30 A joint statement issued by the two leaders described the meeting as an ‘ important step in the process of putting US-Soviet relations on a more productive and sustainable basis ’ ; in particular , a draft treaty on the reduction and limitation of strategic nuclear arms had been discussed and a series of agreements had been made on the contentious question of the verification of nuclear testing .
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