Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] few [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 It was near the end of August , and for the last few days it had been like high summer .
2 For the last few years it was held up by 20 players of outstanding international standard and we did not realise that technically we were dying ’ .
3 For the next few weeks it seemed as though a genuine " United Front " would be established .
4 If an egg has been discharged from the ovary during the last few days it will now be on its way through the tubes .
5 But unless the children 's parents raise twenty thousand pounds within the next few days it will close .
6 Within the next few weeks it is proposed , as a first step , to ban smoking in large areas of Wimpey offices .
7 I think that er we are probably some years of and therefore whilst we make indulge our service in the next few moments it each other er we are eventually and then perhaps going through a convenient route er and thrashing out some sort of profit margin .
8 If a bird had looked down on the quarry in the next few seconds it would have been amazed .
9 La Plata , the administrative centre of Buenos Aires province , had undergone economic vicissitudes at the end of the century , but with the upturn in its fortunes in the next few years it acquired a station of striking originality , an overall shed flanked by a staggeringly ornate pentagonal building covered in statuary and surmounted by a dome .
10 With the considerable degree of replanting in the last few centuries it is possible that the Weald now exhibits a more wooded aspect than at any time since the early medieval period .
11 In the last few months it has introduced a mortgage rescue package and plans to use empty flats above shops in a further bit to get waiting lists down .
12 The economy has been so strong in the last few years it 's going to take a lot to bring it down . ’
13 In the last few years it has become clear that many other churches are working in this way in every denomination .
14 In the last few years it has been appreciated by the House of Commons that the method of scrutiny chosen was not best adapted to influence the final shape of Community legislation .
15 It was really only a very small group of students involved , but they got a lot of publicity and I think over the last few years it 's changed quite a lot .
16 Over the next few months it is likely that the Home Office will order out hundreds more of the 3,500 Kurds who arrived in May and June and now live in north London .
17 Over the next few centuries it shifted from one to the other of the latter two until , with the establishment in the tenth and eleventh centuries of an ‘ English ’ monarchy , it served only as a minor shire , more quoted in tax returns than in high politics before the advent of the Normans .
18 Over the next few weeks it will slowly grow itself a new set of entrails .
19 ’ It is already possible to apply ( gene analysis ) methods for the early foetal diagnosis of these disorders ( haemophilia and other anaemias ) , and over the next few years it may even be possible to replace defective genes ’ , wrote the geneticist David Weatherall in an article on the new Institute for Molecular Medicine in Oxford .
20 Accreditation was not a concept that had gained currency in Britain at this time , and in developments over the next few years it was to receive a variety of interpretations in British further and higher education .
21 Over the next few days it became clear that Jake was avoiding her .
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