Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] ['s] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 They voted the local taxes for the governors ' salaries which might be as high as £2,000 a year ( a hundred times a labourer 's wage , and 40 per cent of the prime Minister 's salary ) , and sometimes they felt governors should earn their salaries by letting the assembly have its own way .
2 The agreements , particularly that on the reunion of dispersed families , had not been expected by political commentators , but were seen as an important contribution towards providing some fresh momentum for the Premiers ' talks which , after the dramatic progress of December 1991 , had failed to make much progress in succeeding months .
3 If nothing else , the Christmas editions of NME , Sounds , and Melody Maker are a barometer of hip opinion , although not so revealing as the readers ' polls which follow a couple of months later .
4 Let us take the question of the ladies ' toilets which you asked me about .
5 The practice does not , however , appear to have been universal , as witness the embarrassing conflict of judicial opinion recorded in the brief history of the Judges ' Rules which forms the introduction to the 1964 revision of the rules ( see Practice Note ( Judges ' Rules ) [ 1964 ] 1 W.L.R. 152 ) .
6 We have been shown a large number of the judges ' orders which are reproduced in Dugdale 's Origines Juridiciales , 3rd ed. ( 1680 ) , ch. 70–72 .
7 The Association of Women of El Salvador ( founded in 1979 ) , is the largest of the women 's organizations which support the FDR-FMLN :
8 The long rectangle of the eagles ' wing-spread which you can draw into to suggest ‘ wrist ’ and ‘ elbows ’ , and a slight forward sweep .
9 The order was not one for the recovery or preservation of trust property but called for information and for copies of the defendants ' documents which , so far as compliance might incriminate them , the defendants were entitled to disregard .
10 All matriculated students automatically become members of the Students ' Association which is governed by the student body and run by students elected annually from the membership .
11 He had come to supervise the slaughter of one of the nuns ' flocks which had been found to be infected with Salmonella typhimurium .
12 Secondly , there has been a dramatic erosion in the value of the children 's allowance which they receive as part of their national insurance benefit — the child dependency addition .
13 Overall , I am coming to the view that the main cultural element is the collective wish to have a non-relation , or at least one that is strictly delimited , between workers and managers and , in turn , between the worker and his enterprise except in terms of the workers ' culture which is one of withdrawal .
14 As a result , it was also decided to run a wire to each of the firemen 's houses which came within a very small radius of the works , and to put a wire between each night watchman and the central depot .
15 A national system of appraisal might also encourage the teacher unions to unite in a demand for the establishment of a Teachers ' Council which could be made responsible for regulating entry to teaching and for establishing a code of conduct ( particularly important when teachers are able , in appraisal schemes , to judge their colleagues ) .
16 The DTI sets out two options : abolition without replacement , and replacement by a ‘ compilation report ’ by an independent and suitably qualified accountant ( stating compliance with legislation and that the company is eligible for exemption ) with a directors ' declaration which , under two options , could simply state their obligations or also attest they have kept proper records and prepared accounts to give a true and fair view — and so , as the DTI warns , expose them to civil liability and weaken their statutory defences .
17 The shareholders of the holding company entered into a shareholders ' agreement which stated that it had precedence over the Articles of Association , and clause 3 of that agreement provided that " no further share capital shall be created or issued in the company … without the written consent of each of the parties hereto " .
18 Its name comes from the cormorants ' nests which in the past were ranged in rows along shelves in the wet black rock , like jars in a chemist 's shop .
19 The strangeness lay in the mens ' uniforms which were the standard French infantry uniforms .
20 The model is so named because it describes a mechanism designed to compel managers to act in the shareholders ' interests which depends on vesting owner-like rights in the shareholders , as mentioned , to appoint , monitor , and replace the most senior tier of management and to make certain other fundamental decisions .
21 I was articled in Worthing in 1966 with the Borough Council where I undertook a wide variety of conveyancing and litigation , and as a local authority employee , I was authorised to appear on its behalf in the Magistrates ' Court which gave me early experience in advocacy .
22 Even the island of nuclear stability , that metallic gleam in the physicists ' eye which promises stable or reasonably long-lived elements around atomic number 114 , can only add a few more to the current tally .
23 After the birth of the puppies the larvae can also migrate into the puppies ' system and infect them through the mother 's milk ( 4 ) The worms mature passing eggs in the puppies ' faeces which are consumed by the mother and can reinfect her ( 5 ) .
24 A Japanese government spokesman claimed that post mortems had revealed parasites in the animals ' ears which may have resulted in their having lost their sense of direction .
25 For example , assume that a child is a rehabilitated person within the meaning of the Act : in other words , he has been subject to a supervision requirement and that requirement has been terminated or a year has elapsed since the date of the hearing that imposed the supervision requirement , whichever is the longer , and he has committed no further offences during the rehabilitation period ; or he has appeared before a children 's hearing which has decided not to impose a supervision requirement on him and six months has elapsed during which time he has committed no further offences .
26 If the Blackshard is destroyed , all magically-induced reductions to the adventurers ' profiles which have been sustained within the Castle are nullified .
27 It was explained to the women 's meeting which took this decision that " times had changed since the inauguration , that the cost of travel made meetings now almost impossible and that with the formation of local branches of the BDDA there was not the same need for the Auxiliary " .
28 We owe significant changes on many levels to the women 's movement which dates back much further .
29 The ‘ cure ’ for over-indulging at the office Christmas party is also much cheaper , according to the Consumers ' Association Which ? magazine .
30 For the police may apply to a magistrates ' court which can issue a ‘ warrant of further detention ’ if it reasonably believes this course of action to be justified .
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