Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [Wh det] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 At eleven , they split up into small groups and assembled in the rooms of the lecturers whose courses they had chosen .
2 Traders at securities houses have long argued to the SEC that they need access to information about the current credits of the companies whose debt they are trading .
3 A fragile alliance between them had crumbled in February 1989 , and fighting ensued when the LF were forced to relinquish control of the ports whose operations they had hitherto controlled [ see pp. 36476 ; 36538 ] .
4 However , none of the scaled-up versions of the models on test could survive the strength of the waves whose energy they sought to exploit and the conclusion reached was that the modifications needed to make them sufficiently strong would render them cost uncompetitive .
5 I also visited the Sadlers Wells Ballet , sitting up in the gallery with friends for one shilling and sixpence in old money and watching the Corps open up before us like the flowers whose waltz they were dancing , and that talented new ballerina Miss Margot Fonteyn taking her first curtain calls .
6 Their significance was enhanced by the fact that they were often far from the towns whose names they bore .
7 This need for careful definition is ignored completely when one simply asks a panel of experts to name people with political power — one has not told them the criteria that they should use for judging whether an individual has power , and neither does one know whether the individuals have used even similar criteria for ascribing power to the individuals whose names they submit .
8 Both speakers are trying to establish their own power by appealing to the plebeians whose support they totally depend on .
9 — Chinese traders when asked by the Romans what country they came from should really have replied ‘ Chung-kuo ’ ( Middle Kingdom ) .
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