Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [coord] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Take responsibility for the thoughts and emotions you send out , for they go into the universe and create the events and circumstances that come back to you .
2 That means that you will have to find and hire different tradesmen for the bits and pieces you ca n't do yourself .
3 Agencies too easily assume that the competition for the brands and services they advertise comes from other advertisers .
4 How do we pay for the goods and services which we need ?
5 As used by Marxists , the concept refers to the circulation of capital , with people exchanging the money they have earned in employment for the goods and services they need and require .
6 In the longer term they require more general financial information in order to assess whether or not there is likely to be an increase or decrease in requirement for the goods or services they supply .
7 They longed for the hats and shoes they saw in the Galeries Lafayette .
8 Ireson ( London 1983 ) may be useful for the periods and styles they cover .
9 Bodybuilders can obtain relief from vitamin C for the aches and pains they suffer in the shoulders and elbows .
10 We are also using more and more re-cycled paper in the packaging of Tesco products and for the leaflets and signs we produce .
11 In one central passage the Apostle Paul brings together the essence of this teaching from both Testaments , and with some clearly articulated principles lays down teaching which has many straightforward and practical applications for the frustrations and conflicts which many families experience today .
12 By acknowledging sources , you show the foundations for the speculations or conclusions you yourself are adding .
13 The flag has always been a symbol of the militant faith of the Salvation Army and in the early days of the movement invariably became the main target for the larrikins or hoodlums who did their best to destroy the marches and meetings .
14 By only charging for the meals and services you actually use , we are able to offer very low terms indeed for high class , 3 crown accommodation .
15 Professor Colin Bell , of Edinburgh University 's sociology department , said : ‘ The conference represents a unique opportunity for the doctors and nurses who care for people who are generally regarded as being ‘ hopelessly ill ’ to get together with lawyers , philosophers and sociologists to discuss the very real dilemmas — social , legal and medical — posed by such people .
16 In the case of high technology design he must provide a service for the engineers and scientists who carry the technical design responsibility .
17 His scouts had assessed that the enemy numbers would reach around twenty thousand , and were moving fairly fast , a mounted host save for the Islesmen and Highlanders who , trained to proceed long distances at the run , and lightly clad , did not hold up the horse to any extent .
18 The other was the search in living tissues for the carriers or agents which determined these properties , i.e. the genes responsible for producing them in successive generations .
19 This is correlated with both the profitability for members of the Exchange who trade in that instrument , and the liquidity of the instrument , which is the relevant criterion for the hedgers and speculators who are the exchange 's ultimate customers .
20 His only concern was for his own men and for the standards and traditions he expected them to live up to .
21 between Catholics and Protestants , did much damage to people and to places in the Pyrenean region , Pau included , and Jeanne d'Albret 's army commander , Montgomery , who recaptured Pau from the troops of King Charles IX , achieved an especially nasty reputation for the reprisals and pillagings he carried out .
22 Agriculture will have to be re-thought , because most crops , at present , grow close to their physiological limits ; and present day wildlife reserves may prove unsuitable for the plants and animals they contain , as the climate within them changes .
23 And that 's good news for the butterflies and bees who are delighting in the sunny side of farming 1990s style .
24 Perhaps , just as the BA holds a senior and junior College and University Booksellers Group conference , it could put on two mainline conferences : one for the under 45s , for the men and women who actually do the biz ; and one for the older members of the trade .
25 ‘ I redrew it to what fitted our site and what I needed in terms of accommodation for the children and grannies who appear from time to time — mindful of the fact that Edwina and Michael were two and four , but were n't going to stay that size for long . ’
26 There were dry gingers and tonics prepared for the whiskies and gins which everyone hoped would drown the star 's sorrows .
27 These sentiments were to prove too rich for the Whigs and Liberals who were predominant in the mid nineteenth century .
28 When Croat historians have subsequently spoken of the " Bleiburg Tragedy " this is what they really mean : and the massacres which were to continue in many parts of northern Yugoslavia during the weeks and months which followed were among the consequences of that victory and that " tragedy " .
29 Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself , in all cases , as the ages and generations which preceded it …
30 The worst affected have been birds such as the terns and kittiwakes which feed by catching small fish near the sea surface by shallow plunge-diving .
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