Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Those respondents calling for a drastic limitation of the professions ' liability and/or the abolition of the Compensation Fund altogether , often voiced the angry conviction that the transition from profession to trade — with the accompanying loss of status for the services of solicitors which that implied — had accelerated in recent years to the point at which the profession could no longer be called upon to pay for the dubious moral privilege of an ‘ anachronistic ’ system of compensation .
2 The rings were used in a variety of ways : some were worn on the arm or wrist ; others appear to be the frames for the mouths of pouches which are often found to contain small metal items ; a third use was as a girdle hanger .
3 The money that er we raised in the Soviet Union was intended for the families of miners who had suffered as a result of the strike .
4 A SCHEME which aims to provide respite for the parents of children who are on their summer holidays is being organised .
5 The natural function of this communicative behaviour , whether wholly instinctual or not , is to impart to fellow creatures ‘ cognitive stand-ins for the states of affairs they represent ’ .
6 The sisters were also responsible for the bowls of flowers which appear throughout the house .
7 In November 1872 , the Board received an application from Cambridge Medical School for the bodies of paupers who had died in the workhouse , and were without funds or relations , to be sent there for the study of anatomy .
8 You should apply for a provisional licence for the categories of vehicles you want to drive ( if you have not already passed a driving test for these categories ) .
9 Punters pay for the numbers of crosses they mark on a picture of a football match .
10 There are no exact figures for the numbers of Salvadoreans who have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war , Some are economic refugees , but the great majority have fled because of the repression .
11 In February 1962 , Eddie McAteer asked Minister of Health and Local Government W. J. Morgan for the numbers of houses which the corporation and the NIHT expected to finish in Derry that year .
12 FORMER Liberal leader Sir David Steel yesterday urged Labour to stand down for the Liberal-Democrats in seats they can not win at the next Election .
13 It is a broad term , with the appropriate emphasis on the child 's potential , but has been used too often previously to contrast with ‘ blind ’ without consideration for the needs of pupils who have to use both tactile and visual methods for learning .
14 The directive contains requirements for the contents of prospectuses which broadly mirror those for listing particulars under the listing directive .
15 In this way general practitioners have begun to be involved in making decisions about effecting change in the balance of services between primary and secondary care and in establishing priorities for the types of services they wish to see delivered in the future .
16 This has profound implications for the regimes of institutions which care for old people , or indeed others needing a high level of physical care , as well as for all who provide such care in the community .
17 For the cures of souls which they retained , they were required to provide an adequate deputy to serve the parish or parishes .
18 For the children of suicides there is an equal if not greater burden to bear .
19 In Battalion Headquarters , the Welfare Officer was busy co-ordinating holidays for the children of soldiers Who have been killed by terrorists , when a call was received to say that the grave of a terrorist victim had been vandalised .
20 No Ha Hardy phoned me last week asking for the details of jobs we get fr , er of who to erm who to contact for it , that 's all for that needs .
21 During the talks with MITI they described plans completed only the previous day for their future programme of support and promotion for open systems .
22 Pushing between the tables among drinkers I do n't recognise brings home how long I 've been away .
23 It is the major reason why there is a discrepancy between the sets of adjectives which can appear in attributive and predicative positions ( other reasons appear in later chapters ) .
24 As he walked between the lines of cars he saw that one of them was parked so it was sticking out .
25 You have a balance between the effects of macrophages which have been activated by cell mediator immunity and the lethal effects of microbacterium tuberculosis .
26 At its most extreme , it may result in the court rewriting the terms of a lease in order to do what is fair and reasonable between the parties in circumstances which they did not foresee at the date of the lease ( Pole Properties Ltd v Feinberg ( 1981 ) 259 EG 417 ) .
27 If not much is known about the properties of operators which could act on N and its children , then the plan may be misleading .
28 A couple of hours later , when the awkwardnesses had receded and giggling and fidgeting had given way to my acceptance as part of the furniture , they were engaged in an enthusiastic frank exchange about the qualities of teachers whom they had liked , whose lessons they had enjoyed and for whom they were prepared to concede the comment : ‘ Mr So and So was decent — yeah , well decent , were n't he Sue ? ’
29 Just as importantly , he is possessed of a generosity of mind which allows him to be calmly judicious about the merits of writers who can advocate militant homosexuality and drug-taking ( such as Thom Gunn ) , sympathise with feminism ( Elaine Feinstein ) or adhere to some variant of Marxism ( Hugh MacDiarmid ) .
30 We are used to looking at faces , the faces of people , for their emotions and feelings ; and when we wonder about the emotions of animals we tend to look at them in the same limited way .
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