Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [unc] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 As well as being very particular about the horses ' condition the old horsemen were equally concerned about their appearance .
2 All kinds of difficult questions began to be asked and in the early heady days of the women 's movement the body came in for close scrutiny .
3 On the recent trip to Iasi , as well as carrying out a full survey of the children 's hospital the charity also delivered more than 30 tons of aid to ten orphanages , two children 's hospitals and the main hospital in the region .
4 In the mid-1980s it became part of the electricians ' union the EEPTU .
5 In the ordinary course of a solicitors ' practice the partners will meet at regular intervals to discuss the affairs of the firm ( Clause 17.03 ) .
6 Somewhat like a dolls ' house the building was formerly the Congregational Mission Hall opened in 1872 .
7 In 50 years as a vets ' surgery The Grange has had to tend to many waif birds and animals brought for treatment .
8 With the shareholders ' approval the company converts retained profits into equity by issuing new shares .
9 The ‘ old , old story ’ becomes under the critics ' needle the ever-unravelling story , and the drama is lost .
10 Shortly before the dockworkers ' strike the then armed forces Chief of Staff Gen. Sunthorn had reportedly warned that privatization could damage national security .
11 In the directors ' office the next day , the two men talked about Joseph Buquet .
12 It is worthy of note that in the Magistrates ' Court the separate functions of the judge and jury are both performed by the magistrates .
13 For hearsay evidence to be admissible in proceedings in the magistrates ' court the proceedings have to be family proceedings .
14 In the Magistrates ' Court the decision as to verdict and sentence is entirely for the Justices acting on the advice of their Clerk , and of course it is erm true to say that generally speaking Justices will follow the advice of their Clerk , but they do n't have to .
15 I found Bunny in the girls ' kitchen the next morning trying to find something to eat that was n't raw carrot , muesli or Ryvita and something to drink other than herbal tea .
16 In the parents ' absence the child-minder teaches the children to play strip poker .
17 In the Women 's Competition the games were also very close but Cork under their Captain , Marie Hurley proved consistently to have the winning edge .
18 This has to be addressed to the company 's members and to state whether in the auditors ' opinion the annual accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the Act and , in particular , whether they give a true and fair view .
19 A plan of it had appeared in the Architects ' Journal the previous Friday , and it also appeared in The Times the morning after the Prince 's speech .
20 But instead of waiting on the same platform for an Edgware train , they made their way up to the British Rail terminus , and in the men 's lavatory the bear got into his bear suit .
21 Both the defendants and the Bank of England , while not expressly acknowledging the link , invite the court to proceed for present purposes on the assumption that without the defendants ' breach the Bank of England would not have issued the section 39 notice in its present form .
22 Roskill J said that B was in breach of an implied duty in : ( a ) not communicating to the plaintiffs ' board the information which he received from the patent agents and in taking no steps to protect the plaintiffs against possible consequences of the existence of the patent ; and ( b ) using information regarding the patent for his own benefit .
23 But without the sort of big-money sponsorship that goes to the men 's game the women are having to spend precious time fund-raising rather than concentrating on their playing .
24 On the parents ' separation the mother initially left the four children of the marriage with the father in the former matrimonial home but on her subsequently removing one of the children the father applied ex parte for orders , including a residence order , a prohibited steps order and a specific issue order pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 requiring her to return the child and directing her not to remove any of the children from the father 's care and control .
25 If her answers were unsatisfactory , their report would be taken to a magistrates ' court the next morning and a petition for her " reception order " drawn up and signed by two people — preferably near relatives or representatives of the family .
26 He tells me to meet him at the magistrates ' court the following morning , tells me to keep away from the scumbags .
27 If witnesses have already given evidence at the magistrates ' court the Crown Prosecution Service might be persuaded to discuss the impression that they made .
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