Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Terms dealing with related points , such as delivery , quantities and requirements for the buyer to inspect the goods , or price , price variation and payment , could all be gathered together .
2 For both the buyer and the seller this tends to make sense , since it is more efficient for the seller to insure against the risk under an insurance policy covering the risk of damage to goods in transit than for the buyer to cover the goods under an all risks policy relating to his moveable property .
3 Open questions make it possible for respondents to say what they really feel , but it is difficult for the researcher to organize the answers into categories in order to count them .
4 Philpott crossed to a map of Europe on the wall as Rust reached for the telephone to relay the orders .
5 So the procedure is admirably adapted to permit the Opposition to make its case several times over , and for the government to explain the virtues of the measure an equal number of times .
6 Although America 's electronics industries are keen for the government to renew the parts of this agreement that call for the Japanese to buy more American chips , their ardour for price-fixing has cooled .
7 The government had reportedly also accepted a three-point plan presented by the mediator at the talks , Mgr Rodolfo Quezada Toruño , the Roman Catholic Bishop of Zacapa and president of the Guatemalan Bishops ' Conference , which called for a commission to document , but not punish , perpetrators of past atrocities and for the government to guarantee the rights of captured rebels and of those who had disarmed .
8 What is particularly required is for the government to review the rules on benefits paid to people who receive income under therapeutic work schemes .
9 Hann believes that the coal controversy presents the ideal opportunity for the Government to determine the proportions of total UK electricity supply which could be derived from various sources within emission level targets .
10 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party 's National Defence Committee is split over whether to use the navy , or to spend 15 billion yen ( £68 million ) on a new vessel for the coastguard to escort the ships .
11 We now wait in suspense for the banker to turn the cards over .
12 Thus it takes considerable courage and persistence at times for the carer to press the needs of the dependent , let alone her/his personal needs .
13 Well one of you on cleaning fruit , getting all the stalks and stones out of the fruit , we used to have a sieve , not a riddle , a sieve with round , the wires were round in the sieve and you rub it , and the stalks would drop through and then you 'd put them out onto an iron baking sheet and sort out all the stones that and little bits that were in the fruit and you 'd be on cleaning fruit you might be one day , the other whichever one was the you 'd be cleaning and greasing baking tins , ready for the baker to put the cakes in or what have you , and then at night we used to grease all the bread tins ready for men to be allowed to drop the dough into the bread tins , and er stuff like that and cleaning up scrubbing down and
14 Where the builder employs more than one sub-contractor of the same trade on the same site or within a confined geographical area , there will be a tendency for the builder to fix the rates to avoid any conflict or ill-feeling between the various sub-contractors employed .
15 Is it mandatory for the company to determine the dividends and their date of payment in general meeting ?
16 It is always necessary for the therapist to emphasize the strengths as well as the weakness of individual family members and of the family as a whole .
17 Arrangements are currently under way for the University to provide the Graduates Association with more help and assistance for the future and to use the lists of the alumni that have recently been compiled , to help them enlist new members .
18 Thus the argument is that the victim 's right to autonomy and freedom of sexual choice does not need to yield to the principle that a defendant should be judged on the facts as he believes them to be ; it would be so simple ( because of the inevitable physical proximity of the man and woman ) for the man to ascertain the facts here .
19 For the system to obey the rules of autopoiesis , the reaction must occur at the appropriate location at the interface between the structures and the medium .
20 Notice the tar boilers and the channel prepared for the tar to bind the rails to the track-bed .
21 ‘ He becomes old , and would be glad for the chance to see the hills around Merkadale again before he dies . ’
22 Distillery made a bright start and Micky Boyle put them ahead in the early stages but Gregg beat keeper Robinson in a race for the ball to level the scores and soon afterwards put Omagh ahead with a right foot shot .
23 Ranulf sighed , pocketed the leather strap , waited for the porter to re-bury the bones and half-carried him back to the priory , listening to the fellow 's litany of self-congratulation .
24 The appeal operates like any other appeal ; it will be for the appellant to formulate the grounds of appeal and to present the arguments in favour of the appellant 's view to the High Court .
25 It was not necessary for the court to decide the issues raised on the ground that the judge was wrong to treat the proceedings as properly constituted representative proceedings , although the vital importance of the making of an application under Order 5 , rule 5(2) promptly and before judgment was observed .
26 Held , allowing the appeal , that in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction the court would not order a medical practitioner to treat his patient in a manner contrary to his clinical judgment and professional duty ; that the proper approach , pending any final decision , was for the court to consider the options available to it in exercising its inherent powers and to make such order as best served the child 's true interests , and it would be wrong to apply the principles governing the grant of interlocutory injunctions in civil proceedings ; that , further , the judge 's order was defective in that it failed to specify the precise requirements imposed on the health authority and to take sufficient account of that authority 's distribution of resources in its patient care ; and that , accordingly , the order would be set aside ( post , pp. 516B–G , 517D–F , 518E–F , H — 519C , E–H , 520B–C , E–F ) .
27 Vice-Premier Yao Yilin observed that it was " too early " for the West to celebrate the changes in Eastern Europe , the Hong Kong paper Ta Kung Pao reported on Dec. 23 .
28 But they also say in the alternative that that since the plaintiffs themselves were at this time by mid to late October of nineteen eighty five , not ready or able to complete it would have been improper erm for the defendant to advise the plaintiffs to serve a special notice to complete and my Lord the question that therefore arises er whether , even if that were correct , er and it 's not admitted that it is , that exonerates the defendants from given the advice er and whether they should still have advised the plaintiff erm of the opportunity which was open to him , that the plaintiff could if necessary take that course himself or be advised to go er elsewhere and be advised independently is er this is , this the point of the matter which he regarded as improper and was not willing to do it on the plaintiff 's behalf .
29 If we 'll only buy highly coloured food , we make it difficult for the industry to eliminate the additives which provide them .
30 But it is very much more important for the novelist to see the trees rather than the wood .
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