Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time they were " in BNC.

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1 A series of very guarded letters written in July and August 1559 between them and Elizabeth 's leading minister , William Cecil , shows that they were contemplating at the very least an outright challenge to the regent 's authority — a bold enough but not actually unprecedented step — but possibly something more , and infinitely more sensational , the deposition of the queen herself ; and at the same time they were proposing a dramatic reversal of foreign relations , in which Scottish friendship would certainly be switched from her traditional ally France to her traditional enemy England , and that even closer ties between Scotland and England might be envisaged .
2 They felt they were working hard enough to make their hearts stronger and at the same time they were stretching their bodies sufficiently to reach their deeper muscles .
3 At the same time they were given standard L.C.C .
4 At the same time they were consistent with a Clapham-style leadership .
5 To say they were worshipped would be overstating the case but , as in so many cultures where people are dependent on an animal for existence ( the Plains Indian and the buffalo , for example ) , the forerunners of the modern Koi were respected at the same time they were exploited .
6 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
7 In 1806 he designed the hotel and assembly rooms in the suburb of Clifton , which the firm contracted to build ; but at the same time they were speculating by buying unfinished houses in Clifton which they completed and sold , and in 1809 they were overtaken by bankruptcy .
8 Members of the Soviet government ( the Council of Ministers ) were essentially administrative heads of ministries , but at the same time they were party members , and a few of them may even have been members of the Politburo .
9 Of course , the houses were built out of necessity , but at the same time they were inevitably a speculation .
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