Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to [pos pn] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The large eddies play a role out of proportion to their contribution to the turbulent energy , both in the interaction between the mean flow and the turbulence and in the turbulent energy transfer process involved in Fig. 21.8 .
2 The fact that he was black and a Tory gave him a value out of proportion to his contribution to the local Party , so he was frequently trotted out at functions , and encouraged to ask questions of visiting speakers .
3 It 's from the Regional Secretary , I write with reference to your appeal to the Regional Committee of today 's date and I have to inform you that your appeal was unsuccessful .
4 With reference to my reply to Mr. Hollis ’ letter in the November issue , the artist showed a glass strip being used to join two aquariums together to make one large tank .
5 The sedimentologist assesses materials with respect to their conformity to an ideal of sorting in which perfection is realized in a deposit in which all particles are identical .
6 In response to his appeal to other countries to ignore the move , the governments of Australia and New Zealand announced that they would continue to recognise Papua New Guinea 's territorial integrity , whilst the Indonesian government stated on May 19 that it would abide by its principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of independent states .
7 In response to our request to film at Tempelhof airport , the headquarters in California has replied : ‘ Unfortunately , cooperation in this screenplay is not considered to be in the best interest of the US Armed Forces and the Department of Defense .
8 Despite her earlier fears , she proved to be an excellent subject , probably due in part to her desperation to be helped and partly to the fact that she had spent a week practising the relaxation technique and listening to my voice on cassette , so that she was comfortable with both .
9 Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960 .
10 In deference to its similarity to a piece of an orange it was dubbed the ‘ Peel ’ and like the man-carrying paragliders of similar shape , it was immediately adopted by the kite fraternity worldwide .
11 Allies received attention in proportion to their contribution to the Western alliance .
12 ‘ Early on in the State Department , we took to calling him the rent-a-colonel , in tribute to his ability to simultaneously milk the antagonistic intelligence services of Cuba and the US , ’ said Mr Francis McNeill , a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Inter-American Affairs .
13 Our chastity , indeed our whole life , only makes sense in relation to our love to God …
14 The remaining choices , if the applicant wishes , may be used for alternative courses without prejudice to their commitment to medicine
15 A term used in psychology , meaning the form which is lost when the parts are examined in detail without reference to their relationship to the whole .
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