Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No mother of a case had worked at a nuclear establishment before her child 's conception , and no mother had a record of being monitored for exposure to ionising radiation at any time before diagnosis ( table V ) .
2 In many districts it is impossible to distinguish exactly the contribution of winter-lets to homelessness , but they must add a considerable degree of uncertainty to housing demand in any given rural location , particularly in attractive holiday areas .
3 Fig. 6.7(b) shows the function l/ [ fl ) — 7LV ) ] and the shaded area , , corresponds to the integral of this function with respect to stepping rate for rates between 0 and f1 .
4 In addition to borrowing money from the building society on the security of the property , the Hammonds raised money from other sources on the same security .
5 In addition to expressing disquiet over reports of continuing violations of rights in Iran , the resolution included a reaffirmation ‘ that governments are accountable for assassinations and attacks by their agents against persons on the territory of another state , as well as for the incitement , approval or wilful condoning of such acts ’ .
6 Students , in addition to monitoring progress in their chose pursuit(s) , will be expected to identify the skills they have used in planning , undertaking and reviewing the activities and to recognise the transferability of these skills .
7 In addition to providing flexibility of design , the equipment will considerably reduce monthly production costs .
8 In addition to providing help for the hiring and buying of cars , Motability also has a wheelchair hire scheme covering both manual and powered models .
9 In addition to providing equity for new or growing companies , venture capitalists are taking a far greater interest in the management of the companies they back , sometimes joining the board .
10 However , in addition to providing information about the child , an indication of change over time may also be helpful in evaluating the success of previous attempts at remedial intervention .
11 In addition to providing information to the Science and Engineering Research Council on the initial destinations of IT Advanced Course students completing courses in 1984 , a secondary objective was to test a method of monitoring the output from the courses that may be adopted in future years .
12 With the help of Easton Houst we mailed 3700 major businesses in the area and followed this up with press advertising in addition to seeking help from our existing members .
13 In addition to demanding custody of Brittany , the King of France had yet again raised the question of Alice 's marriage and the Norman Vexin .
14 Mr Mellor will oversee the launch of the National Lottery in addition to taking reponsibility for government policy on the film industry , arts and national heritage .
15 In practice , many family members look to the female members to take on the lion 's share of responsibility for children , elderly relatives , the sick and the disabled , as well as domestic work , sometimes in addition to taking employment outside the home .
16 These collections , in addition to having work of a distinctly ‘ local ’ , that is to say geographical , concentration have , in many cases , manuscripts and printed works of much wider significance in the fields of social development , religious beliefs , technological innovation , the functioning of particular industries , and so on .
17 They should be credible in the assessment context , which means that in addition to having expertise in the relevant discipline , they should also have some formal training in assessment methodology and techniques .
18 As a kind of amalgam of a Ministry of Justice ( dealing with the rights of the individual ) and a Department of the Interior ( responsible for internal order and the integrity of the state ) , it would hardly be surprising for the Home Office to show symptoms of schizophrenia ; it controls immigration , prisons , and drug abuse , for example , in addition to carrying responsibility for the Metropolitan Police and the Special Branch , and all these activities depend heavily on collecting and using personal information .
19 However , if we are further told that speaker Jane is only three years old , we may , in addition to paying attention to the announcement , consider that it is a remarkable feat for a three-year-old .
20 Baldirzade and Ismail Belig , in addition to giving information about Molla Yegan 's burial place , say that he died in 878/1473–4 , for which date there appears to be no firm evidence , though equally there is nothing to show it to be improbable .
21 The DNA sequence of this PPT element in addition to exhibiting homology to the previously proposed neuronal consensus ( 8 ) has homology to other single stranded DNA binding protein elements which have recently been identified and occur in non neuronal genes .
22 In addition to sounding complex to subjects , this appears to be a two step process , estimating both accidents and traffic flow and combining the two estimates to make a final number .
23 There are important questions in relation to housing policy concerning the extent to which a free market can operate and the extent to which public housing authorities should act as if they were private business concerns .
24 In recent years , concern has been raised over exposure to ionizing radiation from radon gas .
25 In two different places in Monsieur de Pourceaugnac he switches in the space of a breath from performing a solo for soprano to singing bass in a duet or trio .
26 Peace with God comes at conversion to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ .
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