Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But they may be otherwise arranged as for instance the two ways whether end to end in line , at an angle to one another or otherwise may be oppositely inclined from opposite sides of the head bay and terminate at foot each in its own tail bay connected with the lower pond .
2 It needs to be appreciated that pupils with defective vision may respond inappropriately as a result of missing visual detail , for instance the facial expression and body gestures of others .
3 For the process to proceed smoothly it is necessary to ensure that responsibility for overall policy decisions is assigned to an appropriate individual or group ( for instance the managing director or the board of directors ) .
4 Most of the problems that are arising are not just because of the Trusts but because of other things like for instance the contracting process that is proposed , the t the changing in the financing that is incorporated and of course the general under-funding which there is within the N H S. These are far more important problems in the long term .
5 But it was n't till after school the following afternoon that I found time to go .
6 If this happens at night , go to ground , shelter yourself as best you can and go looking for help the next day unless you 're likely to freeze to death in the meantime .
7 But it ran with each school area , you know , Berry , Grimness , Marketthorpe and so on , and now of course the total areas as one but I think perhaps it would be permissible to somebody with local parentage maybe not resident in the area .
8 There was of course the complicating factor that this time it was ‘ Mary ’ , not ‘ David ’ .
9 from the same source come such diverse creatures as Massine 's poodles in La Boutique Fantasque , a delicious pair of goats in Ashton 's Sylvia and of course the squawking Cock and Hens in La Fille Mal Gardée .
10 The impact of visiting the massive tributes to monumental Egyptian architecture at Luxor , the Valley of the Kings , Cairo 's old town and many museums , and of course the great pyramids and Sphinx at Giza , will affect you and stay with you for the rest of your life .
11 And of course the 1964 diary and the Abbotsfield dream had already stirred up Peter 's memories , like sticks stirring the bottom of a muddy pond .
12 Of course the other irony as well is that the powers that meet at the conference at St Petersburg er the powers decide they will intervene in Greece .
13 Of course the actual roles and how many people in each role will depend on the particular organisation ; indeed , we will discuss other roles , such as that of the database administrator , but this suggested structure is a useful starting point .
14 Well the reason why we were attracted to it was of course the very point that that they would translate the disks for nothing , we would n't have to type out the register , and they would also add the telephone numbers without us having to look them all up so that we could do telephone canvassing .
15 What is meant by science in this case is of course the physical sciences and to a lesser degree the biological sciences .
16 Example 72 , from Webern 's Das Augenlicht , is very close indeed to Renaissance canonic writing from a rhythmic standpoint , but of course the large leaps and harsh dissonances give a sound which is quite untypical of that period ( see next page ) .
17 It is easy to lump together under the heading of religion the political powermonger and the self-effacing saint , the ignorant victim of conditioning and superstition with the thoughtful and intelligent worshipper , the sensationalist religious leader with the painstaking scholar .
18 In the War of Independence the Central Junta and the Provincial Juntas represented the civilian state ; very soon the generals were on bad terms with both and intriguing to replace them .
19 If you are satisfied that you have spirited away all possible clutter and still do not have adequate preparation space you could cover a sink with a portable chopping board , or turn a drawer into an extra work surface by fitting runners to a block of wood the same width as the drawer , so that it will glide in and out of the unit , resting on the top of the drawer when it is pulled out .
20 Mass unemployment during the 1920s and 1930s modified opinion somewhat , although the economist F. Y. Edgeworth opposed the idea of family allowances in 1922 on the grounds that they would encourage male idleness and quoted approvingly the comment of a social worker in 1908 , who said ‘ if the husband got out of work the only thing that the wife should do is sit down and cry , because if she did anything else he would remain out of work ’ .
21 Further , there is an obligation upon landlords , of premises let for a term of less than seven years , to maintain in a state of repair the basic structure and services of the property :
22 To make up a box , get a piece of hardboard the same size as the panel for the box bottom .
23 And so quite a big job has been cutting reeds back around the islands and the banks , and also we 've had what they call blooms of blanketweed , not so much recently but , apparently it 's more common with new ponds and I had a tremendous bloom of blanketweed the first year after I made it .
24 In the structure of water the basic components or molecules exist in a free flowing state loosely bound together by forces of mutual attraction .
25 The views expressed by Julie White and Hilary Patrick leave out of consideration the unfortunate fact that some kinds of serious mental illness may be associated with lack of insight .
26 But the sun tugged her out of bed the next day and there was the butterfly , still fluttering .
27 As to the type of employment the interesting feature that I experienced over the last two to three years as shown is that the inquiry level the type of inquiries has tended to focus on manufacturing and the attraction has been the quality of the work force , that is both in skill and its healthiness you know the liability and there are other issues in there too about where Britain is at these days in terms of immunisation wage levels , but it is the people that are themselves the major attractors so the potential work force in the locality that is the major attractor .
28 Horace Dall and George Alcock are two lively old men who both still actively contribute to various areas of science The Universal explorer and spare-time inventor
29 This is not true of literature departments ; what they produce is criticism and scholarship , not literature , leaving out of account the occasional scholar-poet or writer in residence .
30 But this would leave out of account the main factor that was involved in determining the order of words , which is the meaning of the whole communication .
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