Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] which [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 take seriously the possibility of institutional dominance posed by the existence of their own and other welfare organisations … they would be concerned to consider options for change which challenge the vested interest , or the market position of their organisation itself — for instance by acting as subordinate partner to other agencies in a cooperative venture .
2 After a buffet lunch with various head office guests , Mike Bloy and Morton Henderson led a discussion and syndicate session entitled Managing People Through Change which analysed the various factors both physical and emotional that the modern manager must be aware of in order to react and communicate in a positive and constructive way .
3 Overall , they are not nearly so trendy as articles about architecture which let the fortuitous effect of individual photographs lead the text into exaggeration and bombast .
4 Perhaps a future generation will come to recognize that the most misguided , though well intentioned , feature of our present age was that , having discovered by the methods of genuine science that man is a single zoological species and thus a unity in his physical nature , we tried , by political coercion and propaganda , to impose on man , as cultural moral being , a comparable sense of unity which contradicts the very essence of our human nature .
5 They are locked into a broader pattern of support which spans the three generations of parents and children , rather than existing on their own terms .
6 Before that he had worked as GM in Brazil , exploring a portfolio of acreage which included the great tracts of land in which BP was an interest holder in the middle Amazon basin as well as onshore blocks in the Parana Basin and offshore in the Sergipe Alagoas Basin .
7 Together with the other forests of the Empire it forms a continuous block of woodland which dominates the whole central area of the Empire .
8 It is exactly this kind of function which gives the first three examples their odd effect .
9 The story it tells is close to the historical details already described , but there is an overlay of romanticism which brings the dry facts to life .
10 He inherited a tradition of teaching which stressed the essential unknowability of God by human faculties .
11 The bird starts by flying persistently in front of its chosen site and repeatedly dabbing the rock with its tongue , laying down a curved line of saliva which marks the lower edge of the nest-to-be .
12 They assert that ‘ ideas alone , in the absence of action which violates the Criminal Law , do not constitute a crime . ’
13 So when unemployment approached one million in early ‘ 72 , following fiscal deflation in earlier budgets , the government went for reflation by means of substantial tax cuts — a course of action which had the full support of most economic commentators including the ‘ Times ’ .
14 On the other hand " correct " forms of action which approach the impossible may acquire aesthetic merit in the process .
15 Instead of defining the state of mind which represents the required concept of voluntary consent , choice theories follow the normal pattern of common law reasoning and resort to an ‘ extrovert ’ approach .
16 The report claimed that the Code of Guidance which accompanied the Registered Homes Act of 1984 was not being applied , partly because of lack of resources and partly because of the restricted power of local authorities .
17 I just let out a giggle of disbelief which made the old gecko who ran the class flutter his ruff at me in disapproval ; I calmed him with a quip and continued the negotiations with my round and financially tenacious new chum .
18 Margery Kempe finds the actual humanity of Christ 's life and death a pattern of living which transfigures the ordinary demands of daily life with a sense of the holy — an emotional engagement with the humanity of Christ which she shares with the " affective piety " of her age .
19 Membership of the Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services Limited is a good sign , as FRES has a code of practice which ensures the right level and number of qualified recruitment staff to assist and advise you .
20 Voltaire praised our attitude to commerce , and the lack of snobbery which allowed the younger sons of the gentry to become businessmen .
21 Some statisticians dislike this property : they prefer symmetric measures of association which take the same value whichever way round the causal effect is presumed to run .
22 Both plot and character depend for their effect on the theme of honour which underpins the two books .
23 For Klein , it is the defensive mechanisms the child develops in response to its sense of anxiety which form the basic building blocks of ego development .
24 Hilton 's uneducated disciple , however , is learning at this stage that the goal of the contemplative life is a remaking of the self to be like God through a loving practice , and thus knowledge , of goodness : Such contemplation is experienced as a gift which lifts the conscious effort to know and love God into an activity of delight which expresses the whole man : Although this goal is thus acknowledged from the start , the rest of the book is devoted to the means by which the contemplative can work towards it .
25 In arguing their case the LNA were clearly drawing on those traditions of philanthropy which emphasized the central role of women in the reform of moral conditions .
26 It is nevertheless a fractured kind of pluralism which reflects the political situation and in turn helps , to a large extent , to define and create the situation it reports .
27 In the last century its major function was the discounting of bills of exchange which financed the increasing volume of international trade .
28 Since it is the poet himself who is the subject , the poem comes across as a very genuine and deeply moving piece of work which regards the real feelings and fears of one who is in the process of losing his own life , rather than , as convention would have it , those of one who has lost another .
29 ( iv ) Conveyance or transfer pursuant to court order with husband being released from the mortgage ( wife assuming liability ) ( Eg Precedents 5 , 6 , 19 and 20 ) It was this type of conveyance which caused the most difficulty prior to the passing of the Finance Act 1985 because the Stamp Act 1891 , s57 triggered a charge to stamp duty ( see above ) .
30 This bizarre outcome results from the application of an ancient and technical rule of law which requires the maximum duration of a term of years to be ascertainable from the outset .
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