Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] have [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Generations of subservience had taught the humble Irish not to answer any question that might get them into trouble .
2 A report published by a review body for the Ministry of Agriculture has described the current badger slaughter policy of the Ministry as " unconvincing " .
3 He could of course have taken the easy option and given himself up , or laid up along the coast somewhere until the advancing Eighth Army caught up with him .
4 According to this report , privity of contract has remained the main obstacle to the modernization of English bill of lading law .
5 Other studies guided by a similar spirit of fidelity have employed the verbatim method and produced more coherence .
6 Leith was still wondering what brilliant sense of direction had brought the aggressive male to her door when , in the late afternoon , an extremely apologetic Travis called .
7 Witold Krassowski : Images of Poland , a long history of oppression has made the Polish people tough , with a strong sense of national identity .
8 Since the ‘ second wave ’ of the women 's movement exploded onto the scene on both sides of the Atlantic in the late 1960s , few fields of study have escaped the searching gaze of feminism .
9 Different fields of research have disclosed the many different factors that can affect both physical and mental behaviour .
10 The honorary legal adviser to the Nationwide Festival of Light had criticised the deprave-and-corrupt test in The Daily Telegraph precisely because it had been so applied , arguing , in a plain man 's version of Lord Denning , that
11 For the minority in the Labour Cabinet who opposed the cut in the standard rate of benefit had divided the Labour government , not on the question of whether the budget should be balanced , but , so they claimed , on the subordinate question of how the budget should be balanced .
12 The area has been affected by deep Tertiary weathering and substantial amounts of ilmenite have entered the secondary environment , especially through fluvioglacial erosion .
13 However , I must com comment on the way that since Christmas the Vice Chair of Council has undertaken the many civic duties he has been called upon to perform , assisted by his wife .
14 The Royal Society of Chemistry has published the fifth edition of McCance and Widdowson 's The composition of foods .
15 But the disfavour of heaven had driven the royal army back too soon , and there was no Iago here to relieve the house of its dangerous guest .
16 The imminence of war had compelled the Dutch to close the border , which meant that the train would be stuck in Germany .
17 It is not self-evident that all clarifications or developments of the laws of war have to take the familiar form of multilateral conventions .
18 The paramilitaries felt , quite rightly as it turned out , that the politicians would use them when it suited them and then reject them once the threat of anarchy had achieved the desired end of bringing down Brian Faulkner .
19 Ten hours of scouring had left the thirty-yard circle cleaner than any piece of ground in England .
20 What sort of suffering would not have fallen upon our Fatherland if this beast of mankind had retained the upper hand ? ’
21 But nearly half a century of neglect has left the former DDR 's network in a no less lamentable state of collapse .
22 Those values and that conception of society have permeated the American consciousness , so much so that they have largely gone unstated .
23 ‘ As hysteria results from the repression of sexuality in the child 's upbringing , the marked change in society 's attitudes towards sex has made the conspicuous symptoms disappear .
24 The growth of individualism has weakened the economic relationships between the generations to a far greater extent than that between the sexes within the family .
25 The secretary of state has given the Joint Consultants Committee ( JCC ) an assurance that the Department of Health will deal firmly with specific cases of abuse that are notified to the department , and , indeed , certain trusts have already been made to reverse inappropriate appointments .
26 The Secretary of State has approved the following purposes as purposes for which local authorities may borrow money .
27 The scourge of scroungerism has converted the unemployed into the poor , the poor into the undeserving poor and sympathy into suspicion .
28 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the expression ‘ is suffering … significant harm ’ in section 31(2) ( a ) of the Children Act 1989 referred to the point in time immediately before the process of protecting the child began , so that , in determining whether the first threshold condition of section 31(2) was satisfied , the court had to consider the position before the commencement of the voluntary care when the children were with the mother ; that the condition in section 31(2) ( b ) related to care by the parent or carer whose lack of care had caused the significant harm to the child and not to the care which might be given by other carers if no care order were to be made , which only became relevant once the threshold conditions under section 31(2) had been satisfied in deciding whether or not a care order should be made ; and that it could not be said that the family proceedings court had been wrong in concluding , first , that the threshold conditions were satisfied and , secondly , on the evidence , that a care order to the local authority was the appropriate order ( post , pp. 1013H — 1014A , E–F , H — 1015B ) .
29 At one moment the Banks of Knamber were bathed in pale light , at the next a gush of cloud had obscured the spotty yellow orb of the moon .
30 Where the causes are successive and the second defendant 's breach of duty has caused the same damage as that of the first defendant , the but for test will exonerate the second defendant .
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