Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite that , surprisingly few complaints about discrimination are made to industrial tribunals each year .
2 The Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that proposals for change are considered by appropriate field and/or subject committees and the departmental board and in particular that resource implications are identified .
3 They need to make a regular picture available to the national originators of change and to those agencies who are responsible for change being organized in specific way .
4 Even before this time , the cost of war was beginning to sap enthusiasm for it : loans on wool and in wool , accompanied by embargoes and dubious credit arrangements , were testing the patience and loyalty of more than the merchants who assented to these measures ; purveyances , now being collected with a frequency and ruthlessness to match the 1290s , were provoking deep unrest in wide sections of the community , lay and clerical ; efforts to muster arrays for defence against the Scots and French antagonized the clergy when the requests for support were directed to diocesan , instead of provincial , synods .
5 Speaking next , Medvedev 's report on his work as secretary for ideology was greeted with open hostility , and there were jeers and whistling as he left the podium .
6 Many of the rules laid down by this syndicat in 1904 were later taken as the basic framework around which the AOC regulations for Champagne were formulated in 1927 .
7 In 1935 the maximum production for Champagne was set at 50 hectolitres per hectare which could be annually modified by a special commission up or down to suit the specific conditions of the harvest .
8 For both types the minimum number of students enrolled qualifying for grant-aid was fixed at nine .
9 Since the demand for money is related to several variables , according to Friedman and the monetarists , then it may be difficult to measure the precise effect of a change in one of these variables on the demand for money .
10 Plynus 's desire for advancement is seen against economic trends which entice people from their duties .
11 The continuous variables knowledge , attitudes , and beliefs about smoking were assessed on five scales .
12 There were fears that if the date for stabilisation was altered from that promised in a recent government white paper , the privatisation of the electricity industry would be jeopardised .
13 So a hundred and fifty percent of my genes for altruism are saved in three siblings , compared to one hundred percent lost in me .
14 This conclusion was hotly disputed by the POA , although there can be little doubt that the running of the prison system had come to depend unhealthily on overtime ( for which the prison officers were of course paid extra at higher rates ) and that at least some of this need for overtime was generated by unnecessary restrictive practices .
15 We were told that in 1988 , when life sentences for murder were passed in 150 cases , only 10 minimum recommendations were made .
16 Capital punishment for murder was abolished in 1969 and repeated attempts to reintroduce it have been defeated by an ever-increasing majority .
17 The majority decided that challenge for fraud was precluded after six weeks .
18 The date for completion was agreed at three months ahead , and that was that .
19 It is to be observed that by section 26 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 the maximum sentence for theft was reduced from ten to seven years .
20 ‘ Those used for fighting are trained like professional boxers .
21 John 's obsession for uniformity was thwarted at this point as the experience of the older Girls always showed in their eye make-up .
22 Studies by BGS have shown that increased concentrations of sulphate in pore waters beneath trees , though mostly of little consequence , can in some circumstances result in metals such as aluminium being leached into shallow groundwater , which could have potentially serious consequences where these waters are used for drinking .
23 For aquifers with a high carbonate content this is of little consequence , but in other aquifers the acidity of the subsurface water resulting from its sulphate content can persist to depths of several metres and can result in metals such as aluminium being leached into shallow groundwater .
24 Changes in UAO before and after breakfast were measured in 106 Gambian children .
25 The three sessions allocated to the project after Christmas were reduced to two by other unavoidable activities in both schools .
26 The prisoner , a negro stevedore called Augustus Ciparis , remained locked up in his cell for four days after St Pierre had been laid waste , without food , half-dead from burns and shock , until his cries for help were heard by two negroes picking through the ruins of the town .
27 Extensive provision for synthesis is made including auxiliary schedules , ‘ expand like ’ instructions and synthetic features in the notation .
28 The clause in a contract which refers matters to an expert for determination is known in this book as the " expert clause " .
29 Therefore the logogen for cat is used for all the following tasks :
30 The war for independence was fought on several fronts .
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