Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 If you get paid to do it or you were doing it for money I could appreciate it .
2 After tea you can hear it alright ?
3 It 's off now so after tea you can hear it .
4 Mrs Johnson said : ‘ We left the bottle on a table in the communal lounge and whenever a resident had a pocketful of change they would put it in .
5 The Australian honey-guide is so fond of hair it will pluck it straight from a horse 's back or even a human 's head .
6 These villagers — of course they would make it their business to know anyone who was rich and whose father lived so near !
7 But now said that although he and Mary were already filling a second room with their bits of furniture and stuff , of course they would move it all out at once , if that room were needed by anyone to live in .
8 Bill Mumford says of course they will make it … they would not be going if they did not think they could do it … they have been well prepared …
9 All that does , in effect , as you know is i i is reduce the unit price share price , it has no other effect erm a and I think it 's purely cosmetic myself and nowadays I think a share price of around seven hundred P which is , er where the shares are currently hovering , is not e enormously disproportionate but of course we 'll keep it under consideration .
10 If this means returning to hanging for theft ; workhouses for the deserving poor and the streets for the undeserving ; the exploitation of the poor by the wealthy ; overcrowded , insanitary housing for the majority and opulence for the few ; of course we would reject it .
11 The answer to such situations is to always say ‘ Yes , sir , of course we can do it , ’ and then put the telephone down , swear loudly and sit down and work how you are going to do it .
12 He said of course he 'd do it if I gave him the phone number of the hospital .
13 And of course he could use it up in subsequent years , he could move some of this into a P E P .
14 I must be mad , Mrs Phelps told herself , but to Matilda she said , ‘ Of course you may try it . ’
15 ‘ Why , Ruth , of course you may take it ! ’
16 It will take me a long time to correct & copy , though : when I have done so , of course you shall have it .
17 On this pinnacle of enthusiasm , with promises to meet later for dinner , or tea , or supper , and do not forget our daughter and our boat of course you must use it for your fishing and good day , Colonel Hope , good day — the hills are called fells by the natives …
18 Alright , so , if you 're talking on the phone , of course you 'd transfer it to the secretary phone , would n't you ?
19 Of course you should take it !
20 Of course you can borrow it .
21 ‘ He wrote back an absolutely charming letter ’ , he remembers , ‘ saying do n't worry about the money , of course you can reproduce it , and do n't worry about the copyright . ’
22 Of course you can view it , as some bridle-riders do , as a holiday for your horse — you just go along for the ride .
23 Of course you can do it .
24 Urgent demand for which I totally agree for millions more than the money is available er , as long as all the council says this is our priority of course you can have it .
25 And of course she 'll say it 's all right and she 'll manage but she 's just being brave . ’
26 Of course she 'll see it .
27 Of course she could say it was for the children , as people always did …
28 Of course I shall override it !
29 Of course I shall read it , ’ Kate said .
30 ‘ If there 's something special on , then of course I 'll call it off . ’
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