Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The usual order is judgment for arrears of rent to date of termination of the tenancy , and for mesne profits to date of hearing and thereafter mesne profits at a daily rate and ( almost invariably calculated by reference to the rent ) from the date of hearing until actual possession is given up .
2 To some extent , such compilations of American research as this volume are relevant in placing the interests and problems of older people in broad debates about family functioning and the abilities of welfare services to impact on this .
3 Relation of birth variables to death from cardiovascular disease
4 Even now , gin with ice cold tonic is the spirit I 'd probably choose to take with me to a desert island just so long as there were plenty of lemon groves to hand on my castaway paradise .
5 In Cornwall almost all were Bretons , who bore a close affinity to the indigenous population , speaking a related tongue , and as yet imperfectly assimilated into the kingdom of France : ‘ ther use many Britons with smaul shippes to resorte to Padestowe with commodities of their countery and to by fische , ’ Leland observed , adding that the port was also full of Irishmen , Most , however , must have come to work , especially if native labour was in short supply in the parts where they were most numerous .
6 It is part of a growing trend for television contractors to hive off their advertising sales .
7 As Docherty said : ‘ The problem caused by the tendency in user organisations to hive off IT to specialist managers is that the real users and decision-makers within them are isolated .
8 Promises from agriculture ministers to Parliament about ADAS giving free advice to farmers have gradually been ditched since the 1986 Agriculture Act .
9 The rising tide of confidence was also reflected in a swing from expectations of a rise in interest rates to anticipation of the next cut , with the cost of wholesale funds dipping swiftly by 3/4 point to 101/4 p.c .
10 It was known , also , that the old lady had been friendly with his mother ; and anyway , being a bachelor and retired , he could usually be counted on to take sufferers to hospital in emergency , or bring them home ; as well as visiting murderers in prison , and other tasks ( often called do-gooding by people who have never been remotely in need of that particular little world ) .
11 Instead they had been separated from their ‘ bosses ’ and relegated to word-processing pools to type for ‘ dictators ’ .
12 Antrim Borough Council is setting its one mile motor racing circuit at Nutt 's Corner aside for Learner Drivers to practice in a safe and controlled environment off the public roads .
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