Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] the same way " in BNC.

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1 We can assess the direct effect of age ( X 2 ) on preparedness to break the law controlling for income in the same way .
2 Pile up all the layers of seaweed in the same way as you would ordinary pressed material ( see p. 38 ) and leave them overnight , lightly weighted down with a couple of books .
3 Literary studies in action approaches the study of literature in the same way that a comparatively naive undergraduate reader approaches it : as a conglomeration of linguistic and literary forms , functions and meanings , all operating at once and all of which have somehow to be deciphered in order to gain access to the text , and explained in order to facilitate the production of adequate essays .
4 Yet particular religions , it might be said , are necessary to convey the meaning of Religion in the same way as particular truths are necessary to convey the meaning of Truth .
5 Sikhism sees this Mystery at the heart of religion in the same way .
6 A different approach would be to introduce Caldwell recklessness into the non-fatal offences of causing injury , with a view to labelling cases of endangerment in the same way as ‘ traditional ’ crimes .
7 A number of laws , many of them based on principles of ‘ obscenity ’ , ‘ indecency ’ and ‘ offence ’ are designed to prevent the distribution or display of homosexuality in the same way as porn is constrained .
8 * What is of importance here is not so much whether or not the label ‘ perceptual ’ is appropriate as whether this task is susceptible to the effects of pre-training in the same way as the motor tasks discussed earlier .
9 Accordingly , in my judgment the rules of natural justice prima facie apply to any such process of suspension in the same way that they apply to expulsion . ’
10 The former were inclined to present their arguments within a mould of imaginary social history which assumed that , in his essence , man is a " unity even though human societies are different ; the latter were preoccupied with classification and were therefore predisposed to distinguish the varieties of mankind in the same way as they were accustomed to distinguish the varieties of animals , birds , plants and insects .
11 Non-cooperation , as Gandhi understands it , does not always have to be an act of love in the same way as satyāgraha has to be , but it is in act of love and consequently a branch of satyāgraha when it seeks to promote the good of a wrongdoer .
12 When I was anorexic I postponed the idea of myself-as-mortal in the same way as I postponed the idea of myself-as-sexual-being .
13 Not to do so amounted to a dereliction of duty in the same way that Callaghan 's statement misunderstood the political content of media imagery .
14 The devil , Trent thought , and found himself smiling as he realised that continual fear had acted as a drug , lifting him free of reality in the same way that marathon runners broke through the pain barrier into an almost hallucinatory state of calm .
15 But if the consensus is one of conviction , then dissent , however surprising , will not be out of order in the same way , because everyone will recognize that an attack on the substantive case for the proposition is an attack on the proposition itself .
16 This way of allocating resources faces the problems of justice in the same way as the QALY view , but immensely increased .
17 It meant we did n't want to take life with a pinch of salt in the same way any more . ’
18 This , however , is not at all uncommon when regressing someone to such an early age , for babies do not have an awareness of time in the same way that adults do .
19 Despite this , both creatures sense the passing of time in the same way .
20 It is likely that a considerable number of Romano-British by-roads came into existence in the same way for limited purposes and yet remain to be discovered on the map or on the ground .
21 Wherever one finds pillow lavas in sequences of old rocks , one can be sure that they formed under water in the same way as their modern counterparts , and this , amongst other things , helps to establish the sites of ancient oceanic volcanoes and mid-ocean ridges .
22 However , once well established as in the three-year-old toddler , Stages and 4 slow wave sleep occupy about three sleeping hours , reducing with age in the same way as REM sleep .
23 Nevertheless , the Guidance suggests that local authorities review service provision plans for children in need in the same way as they are required by regulation to review their plans for children they are looking after ( see Chapter 16 , 8 ) .
24 Blessed are you when you suffer insults and persecution and cowardliness of every kind from my face exult and be glad for you have a rich reward in heaven in the same way as they persecuted the prophets who bore you .
25 It is still relatively expensive and can not go into subjects in depth in the same way as print , but has the advantage of being easy to watch , in an idiom or genre which is very familiar to most people , and it can be viewed by groups of staff simultaneously .
26 The range of drink-associated items buried as grave-goods may be symbolic of an individual 's role in society in the same way that pieces of weaving equipment in durable materials are found in richly accompanied women 's graves .
27 Small sized prey is always treated this way , but larger prey ( large in relation to the size of the owl ) may be broken up before ingestion in the same way as for diurnal raptors , with comparable levels of breakage .
28 Erm just to say that , just to confirm the note sent round that erm we will only pay for any photographic services by Intercity East Coast if it has been procured using a task request form in accordance with the same way we procure any other internal B R er service .
29 Diphthongs vary in length in the same way as the " long " vowels .
30 The interesting fact to note is that dinosaurs soon benefited from bipedality in the same way humans later did — better vision .
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