Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] the first world " in BNC.

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1 The Leviathan was launched in Hamburg in 1913 but was subsequently sent to the United States as part of the First World War reparations , and eventually reached the ship-breaker 's yard in Rosyth in 1983 .
2 The archetype here is Guillaume Apollinaire , special pleader for modernism before the first World War .
3 It was destroyed in 1915 during action in the First World War , then was rebuilt after 1918 to the original design .
4 Einstein produced his general theory of relativity during the First World War , when conditions were not suitable for scientific observations , but immediately after the war a British expedition observed the eclipse of 1919 and confirmed the predictions of general relativity : Space-time is not flat , but is curved by the matter and energy in it .
5 A U-boat captain of distinction in the First World War , he had headed the Abwehr since 1935 and despite being a loyal German had always been unhappy with National Socialism .
6 Domestic service was a commonplace of life before the First World War , even among the better paid working-class households .
7 The attraction of fascism after the first World War
8 Although the popularity of the war economy lay at the root of the growth of socialism during the First World War , liberal internationalism was quick to reassert itself once the war was over .
9 The National Labour Prime Minister , Ramsay MacDonald , had campaigned against conscription in the First World War .
10 A good example of this well into the twentieth century is the evidence of the Women 's Co-operative Guild investigation into Maternity during the First World War , which found that pregnant working-class women often saved for the coming confinement by stinting on food , and there is plentiful evidence of similar attitudes earlier .
11 As can be seen in Table 1 , throughout this century there has been a large decline in private renting , and a corresponding increase in owner-occupation and council housing , which began to get under way after the First World War .
12 It seems that the tradition of working in the woodlands in this country went into decline after the First World War , when most of the skilled labour did not return .
13 Therefore it was supposed that payments practices , and other institutional arrangements which change only slowly over time , have more influence on the velocity of circulation than any temporary changes in M. Before the First World War there may have been a good deal of truth in this assumption because the financial system was relatively unsophisticated and financial innovation was taking place very slowly by today 's standards .
14 The German propaganda machine — and Hitler himself in his speeches — continued , of course , to hammer home the theme that , in contrast to the First World War , Front and Heimat were indivisibly united , and the bonds between leadership and people unbreakable .
15 This has fallen into disuse , having been used as a military hospital and to sleep troops in transit in the First World War , a Sunday school , a library , and up until five years ago a store for the church gardening equipment .
16 Some of this research suggests that in certain cases , for example the bauxite and aluminium industry , the global disposition of power is still very much in favour of the First World TNCs , while in other cases , for example petroleum and perhaps copper , the balance of power has shifted in recent decades , and the First World TNCs have to be content with a smaller share of the revenues .
17 It was decreed that the old rating system should seek to produce a value based on a free market in property , but the House destroyed that free market in property during the first world war .
18 I used to listen for hours about her girlhood in Sheffield : smoking out of the window ; the young soldier she visited in hospital in the First World War , who gave her his rosary and went off and was killed ; of her suitors ; the fuss surrounding her affair with my father , who was much older than her ( and already married , though this she never told me ) .
19 These had expanded in intensity after the First World War , with extensive housing development in the areas served .
20 Luxemburg was vigorously criticised by a number of leading Marxists at that time , such as Otto Bauer and Karl Kautsky , and while she was in prison during the First World War she wrote a reply to her critics .
21 THE town of Albert was reduced to rubble in the First World War and rebuilt in the 1920s .
22 The stories each picture told varied from the tragic to the hilarious : The expensive oil landscape which had had seagulls drawn on to the sky in ballpoint pen ; the ancient Highland cattle picture , swopped for food after the First World War by a travelling artist .
23 Among them was George Donaldson , one of Scotland 's leading deaf men , who had been totally deafened by injury during the First World War .
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