Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know enough about computer animation to comment on the complexity of experimentation involved ( a colleague who works in electronic arts was mildly dismissive ) , but the sentiments are too predictable to command lengthy involvement .
2 Whether or not such a statement reflects an adequate level of planning and depth of thought about curriculum development depends on the quality of the deliberations of the faculties and departments , and the coordination of the various submissions made to the committee .
3 These elements of the wider system are in turn influenced by factors of the surrounding environment , for example the liability for income tax imposed by the Inland Revenue , trade union agreements , market trading conditions , and , for public service organisations in particular , the policies of central government , and initiatives such as the introduction of the community charge and the subsequent effect on local authority revenue .
4 If the trustees make a payment to a beneficiary as an income distribution and the trustees submit trust returns supported by the relevant income tax certificates which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries and the trustees pay the additional rate tax chargeable on the UK income of the trust credit can be obtained for income tax suffered by the trustees .
5 ‘ We conclude ’ , they wrote , ‘ that the basic reason for the decline in the profit share was the squeezing of profit margins between money wage increases on the one hand and progressively more severe international competition on the other . ’
6 The strength and potential of the modern concern for curriculum development lies in the fact that we now realise how important it is to undertake these processes , and in a logical sequence .
7 A computerised imaging workstation designed posterior occipital parasagittal trajectories for multicontact depth electrodes through the length of the hippocampus with the anterior tip resting in the amygdala on both sides ( fig 1 ) .
8 The proposal was evidently servicing a deficit model of education , which diagnosed that something was wrong with teachers which industry could put right : this at a time when education was faced by changes of revolutionary proportions , new content through curriculum reform required by the Education Reform Act and GCSE , new models of learning , new forms of assessment e.g. Records of Achievement ; new organisations e.g. tertiary colleges ; new accountability , newly appointed parent and industrial governors , new professionalism through initial teacher education , and training reforms for employment training .
9 It also provided for home responsibility credits towards the basic pension .
10 That means more home helps , more meals on wheels and more money available for home improvement grants for the disabled.The future of the threatened homes will be discussed by the social services committee when it meets in two weeks .
11 ‘ We will be mainly using the NGV for visiting householders in the Bristol and Avon area who qualify for home improvement grants under the government 's Home Efficiency Energy Scheme . ’
12 The climate in schools is receptive as school communities look for management advice to assist in the implementation of DMR ; the school board structure ; new curriculum guidelines ( e.g. 5–14 ) ; and other initiatives as well as the changing expectations of pupils and parents .
13 For the England team , on whose success depends not only the financial viability of the counties themselves , but also the capacity of the game to attract young people to play and watch it as a part of their heritage , the preparation for Test cricket provided by the present hotch-potch is clearly unsatisfactory .
14 His abiding concern for law reform led to the creation of permanent institutional machinery in the form of separate Law Commissions , one for England and Wales and another for Scotland , with full-time Commissioners and supporting staffs .
15 If anyone would like details of special group rates for tennis holiday trips to the Sport Hotel in Eilat in the months of April , October and November , then call Grace Reginiano Isrotel on .
16 1.13 Service charge % subject to the provisions for percentage variation contained in the sixth schedule
17 The one sensational deviation was her plan for trade-union reform contained in the now famous White Paper In Place of Strife .
18 Tony 's father Biagio ( known as Jimmy ) ran the Broadway Parlour and Temperance Bar in Weardale Chambers and Cheapside and won the gold medal for ice cream making at the Rome exhibition in 1925 — equivalent to an Olympic gold medal in the ice cream world .
19 The museum quickly became unable to house the constant influx of new objects , while the surroundings have become unable to cope with problems such as coach parking posed by the enormous numbers of visitors .
20 Central responsibility for child care rests with the Department of Social Security through the personal Social Services division .
21 At local level , responsibility for child care rests with the social services committees of the local authorities .
22 Of course , it could be argued that what I have called secondary danger clues correspond to the facts about child abuse discovered by a number of studies within the disease model .
23 Authority is simply the useful mask of power , as are all justifications and legitimations of elite rule based upon the presumed or manipulated consent of the ruled .
24 Building on Mosca 's later thinking , another version of elite theory evolved in the work of Max Weber and Joseph Schumpeter .
25 On the evidence , the hearing officer considered that only the reduction in the disposal of scrap material amounted to a proven and readily quantifiable benefit .
26 More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles .
27 The window boxes were home-made , from pieces of skirting board begged from the builders .
28 Though , within the limits of building activity set by the Labour government , it is unlikely that the development charge procedure seriously affected the supply of land , it is probable that the Conservative government 's plans for private building would have been jeopardised by it .
29 We see that the origins of racism lie embedded within the relations of capital , and are reinforced by institutions which historically regulated the flow of black labour .
30 Very occasionally true flames are seen , usually small and faint , and these are believed to be produced by the burning of hydrogen gas escaping from the magma .
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