Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My own ideas about creativity were summed up in the Verbal Arts Manifesto which I wrote with Anne Cluysenaar and Alan Young in 1982 .
2 ( Doane 1984 ) The issue of the female viewer 's possibilities for identification was taken up in a different way in the work of Janet Bergstrom and in Laura Mulvey 's own ‘ Afterthoughts on ‘ Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' ’ .
3 Away to the left , black menacing clouds of cu-nim were piled up over mountains dimly seen through a haze of humidity .
4 The strike call was endorsed and Local Councils of Action were set up throughout the country , to await events .
5 The point is that such an elaborate division of labour was set up despite , as Trist et al. observed , each job not being so ‘ complex that the average faceworker could not , in a reasonably short time , be expected to become qualified in more than one ’ ( 1963 , 47 ) .
6 Every inch of available wall space was taken up with bookshelves , and every inch of shelf-space was taken up with books — books , mostly , with tattered jackets or sun-faded bindings and dating , Greg guessed , from the ‘ twenties , ‘ thirties and ‘ forties — presentation copies , review copies and remaindered copies among them .
7 A great ramp of rock was built up to its mouth which became known as the Thriddle Incline — a conspicuous present day feature .
8 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
9 His stream of talk was dried up at the source .
10 The treaty of Kutchuk-Kainardji was drawn up in 1774 in both Russian and Turkish versions but with a master copy , which was to be authoritative in case of dispute , in Italian .
11 Fishermen reported hearing the explosion and bits of debris were washed up for months afterwards .
12 A committee of inquiry was set up in 1974 to consider the whole question of the education of handicapped children and young people and to review existing provision .
13 Much of the distribution of population was built up in a period when British industry enjoyed competitive supremacy in international trade .
14 A parliamentary commission of investigation was set up in Brandenburg to examine the past links between Minister President Manfred Stolpe ( SPD ) and the Stasi ( state security police ) , after Stolpe had admitted in the press to having had numerous clandestine contacts with the Stasi under the pre-unification communist regime .
15 In other words , errors in predicting the rate of inflation were made up of two component parts : a random stochastic component which is , of its very nature , unpredictable ; and a systematic component , , which is related to the level of aggregate demand as reflected in the unemployment rate .
16 On 29 August 1745 the younger Stuart , still only 20 , had slipped secretly away and on 24 October 1745 , while he was on the road , a Treaty of Alliance was drawn up at Fontainebleau , under which the French king promised ‘ James III ’ , as he was styled , to help him against their ‘ common enemy ’ , described , for diplomatic reasons , not as king of England but as Elector of Hanover .
17 Unsure whether this was due to a greater propensity to malinger or to a higher rate of ill-health among women , a committee of enquiry was set up in August 1913 .
18 This type of choreography was taken up by later music-hall acts whose very eccentric soft shoe , sand dances before a background of pyramids and palm trees aroused much laughter .
19 Even later on , in the medieval period , when the downlands were indeed grass-covered grazing areas , the generally wide ‘ zone ’ of communication was made up of countless trackways criss-crossing each other , quite unlike what survives today .
20 The NCCSL 's Department of Communication was set up in 1975 , mainly to produce radio programmes in English Sinhala and Tamil and to promote audio visual aids to make Sunday School teaching more effective .
21 Traditionally the contract of employment was drawn up by the employer and there was little or no negotiation as to its contents .
22 Plots of land were taken up by commercial companies near the imposing station , the Russian Agent moved there , and Bukharan merchants and others from the old city flocked there .
23 Both these methods of construction were taken up by continental masters , and Benet holds an important place as one of the early creators of the Mass cycle , the leading musical form of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
24 I said I thought a great deal of time was taken up with Committees .
25 A marshalling point for waste was set up at Baldonnell , near Dublin , which is convenient for the south and west .
26 I travel on an Irish passport and in going through Immigration was looked up in a register of , I presume , suspects .
27 On Dec. 11 , 40 holiday homes under construction were blown up in the north-western town of Calvi .
28 Out of the 25 patients discharged from the hospital 21 treated by endoscopy and two treated with surgery were followed up for a mean of 28.3 and 22.5 months , respectively .
29 Interest in recycling was stirred up at a free seminar organised by ICI 's plastics environmental affairs group .
30 He announced that he was prepared to admit that the invisible undetectable substance existed on the moon , but insisted that it was not disturbed in the way suggested by his rival but in fact was piled up on top of the mountains so that they were many times higher than they appeared through the telescope .
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