Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At appropriate stocking rates there is a natural tendency for oxygen to move from the atmosphere where the concentration is high , to the water where it is low and conversely for carbon dioxide to move from water with a higher concentration to the atmosphere where it is lower .
2 Water can be lost through dissociation by solar uv radiation and the subsequent loss of hydrogen to space from the exosphere .
3 As I crouched in the slit trench in the semi-darkness I could hear the odd British shell that had been intended for the Germans but had dropped short in the orchard explode with a terrific roar close at hand , causing a shower of dirt to fall from the roof of the trench .
4 But I well remember the shock of amazement to hear from the excavator that the trench dug to hold the vertical posts of the building , in the typical military method , was of one period and the vertical posts of another .
5 The freedom of the Secretary of State to depart from the recommendations of the National Curriculum Council ( to which proposals on attainment targets and programmes of study must be referred ) , as in effect happened in the case of the history curriculum , stands in marked contrast to the restrictions binding teachers under the National Curriculum .
6 A man in a spotless white coat offered me little pieces of cheese to taste from the end of a special curved knife .
7 The time has passed quickly and it is now getting dusk , the mosquitoes have arrived and the German mortaring of the orchard has started , the first salvo exploding a short distance away causing pieces of earth to fall from the logs covering the roof of the trench , the earth and other bits of debris falling onto the now empty mess-tins .
8 Nevertheless , unfilled vacancies were the highest for a year , a further indication that ‘ we are in the right kind of atmosphere to benefit from the recovery ’ .
9 There was a clear tendency for population to decentralize from the core of the metropolitan areas to the ring ; in 1931 71 per cent of the total metropolitan population of England and Wales was found in metropolitan cores , whereas in 1966 the proportion was 60 per cent .
10 The equilibrium assumption allows us in effect to abstract from the determinants of investment — and the role of uncertainty , expectations , ‘ animal spirits ’ , etc. — but at the cost of assuming that disequilibrium phenomena are unimportant for the purpose at hand or are transitory .
11 In order to escape from the situation , my two colleagues below the surface unhooked from the safety line only to be swept away by the current .
12 Like Herbert , however , he suffered from ‘ aguish distempers ’ ; his doctor advised that the only chance of saving his life was for him to travel overseas in order to escape from the Cambridge climate and as a respite from his studies .
13 Within moments , he is talking about Brecht 's THREEPENNY OPERA pointing out how Brecht invented an abstract London , not in order to escape from the reality of the city , but to create a generalized framework which could be relevant to audiences in many different places .
14 ( If you pride yourself on being intelligent , for example , bear in mind that someone else might have chosen to have a limited intellect in this life in order to learn from the experience , perhaps because they have over-valued intelligence in the past . )
15 I hope to visit relevant training programmes in the Philippines and Southern Africa , where possible participating as a trainee , in order to learn from the experience of those who have been undertaking this work for some years ; and to identify elements in the training processes which may be transferrable or adaptable to a UK situation .
16 Third and finally , spillovers may be most extensive in high R&D sectors simply because firms may have to do extensive R&D on their own in order to benefit from the knowledge which spills over from rivals ' efforts .
17 As the TOM allows investors to avoid purchasing shares , the higher the actual and expected levels of interest rates the greater the incentive to use options and delay the acquisition of shares in order to benefit from the rates of return prevailing or expected in the money markets .
18 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
19 Since people are not necessarily interchangeable it may be necessary on occasion to depart from the priority order .
20 Since people are not necessarily interchangeable it may be necessary on occasion to depart from the priority order .
21 But some forest landowners were able from time to time to obtain from the Crown a grant of partial exemption from this supervision .
22 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
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