Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After more skirmishes , a compromise was reached which allowed for Liesl to stay with the Wynnes until her real mother was able to care for her .
2 ASHWORTH Hospital has published its plan of action to deal with the recommendations of the public inquiry into conditions at the special hospital .
3 But rewards increase out of proportion to price with the wines from named sites .
4 In the Three Tier model , the head acknowledges that there is a substantial field of decision-making to do with the content and development of specific aspects of the curriculum which requires the expertise and time of others .
5 Depending on your roof type , and whether your windows need to provide a means of escape to comply with the Buildings Regulations , there are three basic types .
6 This period is often thought of as a failure in British politics , of failure to cope with the rise of Hitler and Mussolini abroad and a failure to deal with unemployment at home .
7 It is to be noted that the provisions contained in s.13(2) ( relief from the consequences of failure to comply with the Act ) , s.15(1) ( attendance at the meeting of a board by an applicant or his representative ) , 5.16 ( objections to an application ) , and s.18 ( giving reasons by a board for its decision ) apply to applications for a provisional grant .
8 They Simply would not have the flexibility or the speed of reaction to cope with the complexities of everyday life .
9 Equity providers will back management teams because of the strength of character and entrepreneurial skills of their members , who , as a general rule , will : ( a ) have a high degree of commitment to the new business ; ( b ) have strong entrepreneurial instincts ; ( c ) have confidence in their ability to take control of the business and run it without the assistance of inter-group services ; ( d ) be able to take personal risks without adverse effect on their decision making ; ( e ) have the strength of character to cope with the frustrations and successes of the negotiation process ; ( f ) be few in number and therefore able to make decisions quickly ; ( g ) have strong family support .
10 This legislation ensured that the whole of Britain has been subject to compulsory land planning based on the application of two simple practices : the preparation ( including revision and updating ) of plans for the future allocation of land uses , and the control of development to accord with the provisions of those plans .
11 This fear of being intellectually inadequate ( an unnecessary fear where we , the adults , have so much experience of life to share with the children in our care ) is eased by a subconscious desire to help the less able .
12 In creating the epitome of title , it is important to include land charge searches , as well as the old conveyances and mortgage deeds , and , where appropriate , it would also be necessary to include : marriage certificates to deal with apparent changes of name ; death certificates to deal with the death of one of two joint tenants ; a grant of probate to deal with the death of the owner and the appointment of executors ; and any other document that is necessary to prove a coherent line from the root deed .
13 She submitted there was no other appropriate or fair way for the Secretary of State to deal with the case other than to allow Doherty at least an oral hearing or written representation .
14 So will you perhaps be wanting a couple of bags , say , of coal to help with the fire ?
15 The government resigned on Jan. 23 over its failure to persuade the Supreme Council ( parliament ) to impose a state of emergency to cope with the country 's economic crisis .
16 If parents are to be given a reasonable amount of time to talk with the teacher and some choice in the timing of the appointment then it may be best to spread the event over two days .
17 On any given occasion , however , the contravention of one 's own desires is sufficient justification for refusal to comply with the wishes of others .
18 At the following meeting on 5 February 1991 , in view of the continuing delay , the General Commissioners awarded initial penalties of £50 for failure to comply with the precepts in respect of each appeal under s 98 , TMA 1970 , and adjourned the hearing .
19 The penalties for failure to comply with the request of an investigator made under s.177 are specified in s.178(1)-(2) .
20 Held , granting the application , that the Act of 1987 placed the Bank of England under a wide public duty to supervise deposit-taking businesses , the fulfilment of which often required it to take urgent action in the interests of those whom the Act was designed to protect ; that a notice from the Bank of England under section 39(3) ( a ) of the Act of 1987 requiring production of documents overrode an injunction restraining that bank from disclosure of the documents to a third party , and the existence of an injunction did not constitute a reasonable excuse under section 39(11) for failure to comply with the section 39 notice ; and that the injunction should not , in any event , be interpreted as prohibiting compliance with the notice ; that it was proper for such a notice to specify the documents to which it applied by class rather than individually ; and that , accordingly , the defendants should be directed to comply with the notice ( post , pp. 717G–H , 718C , 719B–C , 721C , 722C ) .
21 When he remembers Christ condemned to carry his cross out of Jerusalem to the place of execution , he prays for compassion to identify with the sufferings of Mary , and when Christ is nailed to the cross the meditator 's awareness of the deadly processes of sin in himself appropriately obtrudes into the meditation .
22 More was clearly needed , for slum clearance since 1930 was regarded as both too limited in scope and too slow in practice to deal with the scale of the housing problem in the big cities .
23 The authorities also claimed that an ( unnamed ) foreign state had helped opposition members in exile to communicate with the conspirators , who had planned to seize Khartoum state and the principal towns of Eastern state .
24 BR regards the 120-acre project as a unique opportunity to relieve congestion on crowded suburban commuter services , upgrade InterCity facilities , and provide the necessary increase in capacity to cope with the Channel Tunnel rail link .
25 Local authorities will need a substantial amount of time to ensure that their information technology is correct and is in place to deal with the council tax .
26 It was not in place to deal with the community charge .
27 An aeration feature is also incorporated , drawing in air to mix with the output water .
28 Later there were the potatoes and turnips to harvest , and a threshing machine visited each croft in turn to deal with the oats .
29 Niels Bohr pointed it out to him and he had to add a note in proof to deal with the question .
30 It comes complete with all fittings for usual tap-threads , and all you will need is a wrench to tighten it in position to comply with the law — incidentally , a fine of up to £400 can be imposed for non-compliance with the law !
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