Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the most emotional speech of the day , Mr Alexander Rutskoy , the Vice-President , appealed for parliament to come to the aid of the Russian minority in the TransDniestr region of Moldova , the scene of bitter fighting in recent months .
2 A Ask your teacher for permission to go to the Matron 's Room .
3 JOHN Dee Skip Hire , of Albert Road , Darlington , has applied to the borough council for permission to move to the Cleveland Industrial Estate .
4 Shandruk later claimed in his memoirs , Arms of Valor ( 1959 ) , that he sent a personal appeal to Gen Anders , the Polish commander in Italy , for permission to march to the rear of British forces .
5 When you make a point of try to listen to the world ,
6 My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the fact that the further substantial increase in the NHS 's capital budget in the next financial year has made it possible for the health authority and the Ministry of Defence to come to an agreement on that issue .
7 I suppose it will be said that it is the height of romanticism to cling to the idea that universities can remain largely publicly funded and that students will not inevitably have to pay fees .
8 Many of the trade union leaders wanted of course to go to the front , but the whole process of organising our production … forbade their release .
9 When we use a term like ‘ light-speed ’ we are , therefore , really using it as a kind of shorthand to refer to the velocity of any form of electromagnetic radiation .
10 ( ii ) After about 30 min chop the tubules very finely with scissors in a glass Petri dish tilted slightly , allowing large pieces of tubule to settle to the bottom .
11 ‘ What d'yer want , a bit of 'elp to get to the lav ?
12 She filled a jug with water from the pail , found rag , a tankard and another crust of bread to add to the food in her pocket .
13 They did n't really need it , of course , since it was a lovely warm summer 's day , but the twins clearly thought it a great adventure , busily insisting on helping Ross by scampering about the bay in search of small pieces of wood to add to the bonfire .
14 Er the most interesting case erm , I remember was a chap who erm having completed his course erm joined the R A F and erm he was missing at Dieppe when they had the rather abortive attempt at landing at Dieppe during the war and er , but he was never erm posted as as erm having died and erm it was years afterwards , it was in the nineteen fifties in fact before we could get the Department of Education to agree to the loan being written off because erm obviously he was , by that time he had to be assumed as
15 We are convinced that the best way for works of art to communicate to the public is for those works to have the most beautiful and natural context in which to be shown .
16 Sometimes groups of women would leave the village and climb the surrounding hillsides , cutting bundles of grass to feed to the cattle in the winter .
17 Surely arrangements should have been made to allow the Secretary of State to report to the House on the outcome of the consultations and on the advice of his expert , Mr. Roy Stoner of Southampton university , about the objections voiced during the consultation period .
18 Would it not be right for the Secretary of State to come to the House to say what steps are being taken to try to ensure that the sort of dishonesty and crookery that went on at MGN is not being repeated elsewhere ?
19 Gavin Drewry 's analysis of the grant and refusal of leave to appeal to the House of Lords in 1971 demonstrated that leave was routinely refused in cases where the second appeal raised issues of review , that leave was granted in cases involving issues of supervision , and that there was a mixture of refusals and grants in cases falling in the grey area of reconsideration of authority without critical re-appraisal of the cases ( Drewry , 1973 ) .
20 The discretionary nature of the grant of leave to appeal to the House of Lords avoids any suggestion that there might be abuse of such an approach .
21 The sufferer attempts to gain control by changing his or her pictures of reality to conform to the pictures of perception of how life should be .
22 Ernest Gellner and Alastair MacIntyre have both argued for the need for a judgement to be made about the degree of internal coherence and rationality in belief systems , before the sociologist can know what type of explanation to apply to the beliefs he is studying .
23 Similarly , in order for occupation of land to amount to a tenancy , the courts have held that the claimant must show that he or she had the right to , and did , exclude the landlord .
24 ‘ You drink too much of that , ’ she said , straightening , and allowing the fine drifts of material to swish to the floor .
25 1 Entertain only if you have a good reason for doing so and only if you have something of value to impart to the guest .
26 I had allowed plenty of time to return to the Commons to vote , but the train was one and a half hours late .
27 Remember to leave yourself plenty of time to get to the start and stay clam if there are delays .
28 ( 9 ) For the purpose of ensuring that a transfer of Shares is duly authorised hereunder or that no circumstances have arisen whereby the Directors are empowered to require that a Transfer Notice be given or to resolve that a Transfer Notice be deemed to have been given the Directors may from time to time require any Member or past Member or the legal personal representatives , trustee in bankruptcy , liquidator , administrator or administrative receiver of any Member or any person named as transferee in any instrument of transfer lodged for registration to furnish to the Company such information and evidence as the Directors may think fit regarding any matter which they may deem relevant to such purpose .
29 ( 9 ) For the purpose of ensuring that a transfer of Shares is duly authorised hereunder or that no circumstances have arisen whereby the Directors are empowered to require that a Transfer Notice be given or to resolve that a Transfer Notice be deemed to have been given the Directors may from time to time require any Member or past Member or the legal personal representatives , trustee in bankruptcy , liquidator , administrator or administrative receiver of any Member or any person named as transferee in any instrument of transfer lodged for registration to furnish to the Company such information and evidence as the Directors may think fit regarding any matter which they may deem relevant to such purpose .
30 ( 4 ) For failure to keep to the standard of skill and care of the
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