Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pron] own [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is easy to assume that the law about planning new developments , or changing the environment around us , only affects us when we need to take a positive step — such as applying for permission to extend our own property .
2 Fortunately , Prince Nikolaus Esterházy was an enlightened and civilized person , who appreciated Haydn 's outstanding abilities , and allowed him a certain degree of freedom to pursue his own interests .
3 By 1830 the number of towns which had obtained Acts of Parliament to have their own Courts of Requests or Courts of Conscience , on the lines of those established in London in 1749 , had risen to fifty-four .
4 Accordingly , he formulated a new conception of drama to suit his own inclinations .
5 His chief officers formed a board which had a very considerable measure of authority to determine its own ways ( witness , for example , the Western Region 's adventure with diesel-hydraulic locomotives when the remainder of British Railways was following the diesel-electric path , or the Eastern Region 's policy of civil engineering for speed ) .
6 It does seem today , as Mill once said , ‘ protection is needed against the tyranny of prevailing opinion … the tendency of society to impose its own ideas and practices ’ and by ‘ an increasing inclination to stretch unduly the powers of society over the individual by the force of opinion and even by that of legislation ’ .
7 For example , attenders are usually expected to get there under their own steam ; ordinary ambulance services have been reluctant to ferry day patients , and local ambulance service personnel are not trained to understand why an able-bodied young man lacks sufficient motivation as a result of schizophrenia to make his own way half a mile down the road to the day hospital .
8 The whole country functioned upon the basis of a unitary and centrally-determined plan and budget , which greatly limited the scope for lower levels of government to choose their own priorities .
9 Vary the amount of pasta to suit your own appetite .
10 It suggested that some polytechnics and colleges should be given complete autonomy by the Secretary of State to validate their own courses ; others should be allowed more limited autonomy , in specific areas ; while in yet others external validation should remain .
11 Under the existing system , royal governors entrusted with judicial and tax-collecting powers ‘ fed ’ upon the local population , using their very brief tenure of office to line their own pockets .
12 ‘ And , ’ he added , ‘ there 's half a dozen small lorries to carry heavy supplies — stuff like diesel to run our own generator for electricity if the hydroelectric power fails . ’
13 They came on him rapidly and powerfully and he decided that all he could do was to circle in a gentle way to indicate that he was not hostile , his heart filled with joy to see his own kind .
14 Schools will be free under LMS to make their own spending decisions ; LEAs are to assess the cumulative educational effect of these decisions .
15 The other was more subtle ; by housing his workers in the country , where life was far healthier than in the crowded tenements of the city , he could provide them with space to grow their own vegetables .
16 As often happens , this younger generation of ‘ Tractarians ’ who were leading the crusade on the side of ‘ collectivism ’ joined forces with the older generation like J. A. Macfadyen who had remained Calvinist in their views and ‘ deplored the modern nondenominational spirit , the temper of indifference to questions of church order ’ , the spirit which saw local churches as ‘ mere voluntary associations for religious purposes , with power to determine their own polity and prescribe their own sphere of action ’ .
17 They are siblings who feel they have to disagree violently with mother to demonstrate their own independence .
18 We now just wish to be left in peace to live our own lives and be afforded the same respect as any other family in Passfield .
19 Still able to see the problem , they no longer knew where to find its solution , and seemed happy in consequence to embrace their own annihilation .
20 Obviously , a child returning from school to find his own study quarters where he has books at his disposal and sympathetic parents who can offer cogent remarks on his work and broaden his outlook with lively , stimulating conversation , will be able to get more out of education than a child who , when doing his homework , has to share the kitchen table with plates , cutlery and cruet as well as the pet cat and having to contend with ‘ Crossroads ’ as the main intellectual challenge of the evening .
21 Though the generals were brought to some sort of obedience by the Cortes and the Regency , in the provinces they used the ‘ egoism ’ of the Juntas and their endless disputes with the relics of the old administration in order to extend their own power .
22 He finds no real evidence of any government attempting to hold down the rate of inflation in the short run in order to promote its own popularity at election time .
23 The Webbs , who had little sympathy with Liberal cosmopolitanism , were happy to come to terms with the imperialist agenda in order to promote their own brand of statist socialism .
24 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
25 Will the Prime Minister face the only alternative left and accept open devaluation , disposing of his Chancellor in order to save his own skin ?
26 Again Beth hesitated , thinking it wrong that she should use this lovely girl in order to lessen her own burden .
27 All six companies use unedited quantitative information ; for example , the annual accounts which can be analysed by the planners themselves in order to form their own opinions .
28 ‘ Because it seems as though Greg arranged the accident in order to fake his own death .
29 In fact I suspect on June the ninth even the wipe out of the Conservative party in the European elections may make even those members that side think that in order to say their own skins in the future they will actually have to start to think about a fairer electoral system and indeed there will be a unified system on the way forced by Europe on this house if we do not take it upon ourselves to do so and it will be our own fault that we 've shirked our responsibilities in my view to actually take it on board .
30 It would seem reasonable to define pain and to measure its intensity in terms of the amount of morphine which a patient freely chooses to take in order to restore his own comfort .
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