Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Crop rotation can also help reduce the opportunity for resistance to develop in the insect population .
2 The gap was about a foot and a half wide — wide enough for Sigarup to sit in the basket with his legs hanging down below .
3 The commission created a subcommission of members in Paris with Friedel as chairman to work on the document .
4 The usual qualification required for admission to study for a research degree and for some taught postgraduate courses is a first degree with an excellent or very good classification ( first or upper second class honours in the UK ) .
5 It is even rarer for Parliament to resolve against a measure .
6 In the most emotional speech of the day , Mr Alexander Rutskoy , the Vice-President , appealed for parliament to come to the aid of the Russian minority in the TransDniestr region of Moldova , the scene of bitter fighting in recent months .
7 And she has a hundred and forty and he 's gotten of cans for the his mum and Stewart 's been getting some cans for the shop for his granddad and I 've been asking for permission to go into the dump and get some for there .
8 The Young King had been pressing for permission to go on a pilgrimage to Compostella but Henry II , believing that this was just an excuse to get away from his watchful eye , had instead ordered him to help suppress the rebellion in Aquitaine .
9 A Ask your teacher for permission to go to the Matron 's Room .
10 Shandruk later claimed in his memoirs , Arms of Valor ( 1959 ) , that he sent a personal appeal to Gen Anders , the Polish commander in Italy , for permission to march to the rear of British forces .
11 Here there was no need for closure to hover behind the death-rate , or for one mental hospital to be engorged for another to shut .
12 He had also opposed the complete privatization of state industries and instead proposed temporary protection for industry to allow for a process of revitalization , through exports and improvements in agriculture ( especially increased foreign aid for crop substitution programmes to replace cocaine-producing coca plants ) , mining and fishing .
13 The band left us after lunch to play on the esplanade of Stirling Castle .
14 As a kit I was envious of my cousins on the Pembrokeshire coast who could shoot off after school to get in a spot of sailing before tea .
15 Seeing no future in hearts West then found the club switch and East took the next six club tricks , leaving only six tricks for declarer to collect at the end .
16 At appropriate stocking rates there is a natural tendency for oxygen to move from the atmosphere where the concentration is high , to the water where it is low and conversely for carbon dioxide to move from water with a higher concentration to the atmosphere where it is lower .
17 Minns brought a broad range of expertise to bear on a field extending from eastern Europe to China , while at the same time paying close attention to the antiquities and books of his own college , where he occupied the same rooms over a period of fifty-five years as undergraduate , fellow , president ( 1928–49 ) , and senior fellow .
18 I would alternate from extremes of hope to despair as every way I tried to win Grant back failed .
19 And I will also give you a good deal of freedom to look at the sea . ’
20 Even the primary right of freedom to dispose of the property as the owner wishes is not absolute .
21 Reconciling the conflict between the demands of public accountability and the desirability of freedom to operate in the market has proved extremely difficult .
22 When you make a point of try to listen to the world ,
23 Water can be lost through dissociation by solar uv radiation and the subsequent loss of hydrogen to space from the exosphere .
24 As it melted , the fuel 's chemical reaction with the surrounding water also caused a bubble of hydrogen to form at the top of the reactor vessel .
25 The inhumanity seems to lie in allowing the full weight of responsibility to fall on the child .
26 My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the fact that the further substantial increase in the NHS 's capital budget in the next financial year has made it possible for the health authority and the Ministry of Defence to come to an agreement on that issue .
27 I have also offered to send a small number of officials from the Ministry of Defence to the Russian Ministry of Defence to advise on the restructuring and control and financing of armed forces in a democratic society .
28 The solution is two 5/8in-thick pieces of hardwood to fit in a breast pocket ; mine is 4x4in .
29 I suppose it will be said that it is the height of romanticism to cling to the idea that universities can remain largely publicly funded and that students will not inevitably have to pay fees .
30 It is in the erm statement of faith to substitute for the phrase by his death on the cross the words he died on the cross for the sins of the world .
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