Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb past] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , the endorsement of penal as distinct from prison reform implied that the target for change had shifted from the prison to the criminal justice process as a whole .
2 In some instances proposals for action had lain on the table of the Council of Ministers ( the body which makes Community law ) since the early 1970s !
3 While the Sussex gentry who had gone to war for religion had to adjust to the need to maintain stability , many of the Puritan clergy could and would not .
4 Below him he could hear the passing wail of sirens , a familiar sound after dark had fallen over the city .
5 Created by the Soka Gakkai lay Buddhist movement in 1964 , in recent years Komeito 's level of support had fallen in the aftermath of a series of financial scandals involving the LDP .
6 The collapse of communism had led to the arrest of several RAF members in mid-1990 [ see p. 38476 ] , and the RAF hard core was thought to number only 20-30 people .
7 they of course tended to believe in the country .
8 Sir Wilfred Grenfell of Labrador came to speak at the White Rock Pavilion , Hastings , at his request .
9 The office of president ceased to exist upon the death in 1980 of Marshal Josip Broz Tito [ for which see pp. 30472-73 ] , being replaced by a Collective State Presidency whose eight members ( one from each republic and province ) are elected for five years ( most recently in May 1989 — see pp. 36662-63 ) by the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Parliament ) .
10 The nature and quantity of protein adsorbed depends upon the fluid in question , and varies according to the type of surface .
11 The crisis of modernism had arisen at the beginning of the century as a consequence of the profound , perhaps too rapid , infiltration of Catholic institutions and consciousness by the scholarly methods and intellectual attitudes and presuppositions which had developed earlier in predominantly Protestant and liberal milieus .
12 ’ A note of uncertainty had crept into the wolves ' voices .
13 A fresh sheet of snow had fallen in the night which now lay two or three inches thick , the cold wind freezing it hard .
14 As he spoke a dark pool of blood began to gather under the luxuriant mane of Harriet 's auburn hair which had escaped from the loosened snood and spread slowly over the ground .
15 News had spread that some kind of scene had occurred at the Burgermeister 's pre-production party .
16 Such a thing not having happened for many centuries , the idea , even though the smell of cordite had spread across the Channel and could be picked up in the Charing Cross Road , seemed difficult to envisage .
17 On the allied left the course of battle had fluctuated throughout the day .
18 Larky jaunts to the back of beyond returned to fashion with the 1980s boom in travel writing .
19 The black and white wooden pole used as the cordon had been completely shattered ; shreds of wood lay scattered in the rain .
20 In the later work , The Ego and the Id , the instinct theory of psychoanalysis had changed from the two instincts — sexual instincts and ego instincts — which were used in the paper ‘ On Narcissism ’ .
21 A shriek of laughter had come from the bedroom .
22 His harsh bark of laughter seemed to echo around the room .
23 A wave of cold seemed to emanate through the funereal drapery .
24 As the Navigator nudged Tormentum Malorum slowly nearer to the indicated zone , using only attitude jets , for Jaq a strange intuition of security began to percolate through the dread engendered by hulk and warp alike .
25 A parliamentary commission of inquiry had concluded on the previous day that Bogdanovic had lost control of riot police , who had exceeded their authority .
26 As the gloom of evening began to settle over the leafy canopy Paige carried her last bundle of kindling back to their campsite .
27 Outside , the thunder rolled more loudly , and a few drops of rain began to plop against the thatch above their heads .
28 B. Layers of peat had formed in the marshes and between them there were layers of mud or silt .
29 But the Coastguard spokesman said that about five tonnes of diesel had escaped into the sea .
30 Some kind of crisis had developed in the last few minutes , and she did n't know why she felt afraid .
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