Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While the Sussex gentry who had gone to war for religion had to adjust to the need to maintain stability , many of the Puritan clergy could and would not .
2 they of course tended to believe in the country .
3 Sir Wilfred Grenfell of Labrador came to speak at the White Rock Pavilion , Hastings , at his request .
4 The office of president ceased to exist upon the death in 1980 of Marshal Josip Broz Tito [ for which see pp. 30472-73 ] , being replaced by a Collective State Presidency whose eight members ( one from each republic and province ) are elected for five years ( most recently in May 1989 — see pp. 36662-63 ) by the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Parliament ) .
5 As he spoke a dark pool of blood began to gather under the luxuriant mane of Harriet 's auburn hair which had escaped from the loosened snood and spread slowly over the ground .
6 Larky jaunts to the back of beyond returned to fashion with the 1980s boom in travel writing .
7 His harsh bark of laughter seemed to echo around the room .
8 A wave of cold seemed to emanate through the funereal drapery .
9 As the Navigator nudged Tormentum Malorum slowly nearer to the indicated zone , using only attitude jets , for Jaq a strange intuition of security began to percolate through the dread engendered by hulk and warp alike .
10 As the gloom of evening began to settle over the leafy canopy Paige carried her last bundle of kindling back to their campsite .
11 Outside , the thunder rolled more loudly , and a few drops of rain began to plop against the thatch above their heads .
12 Held , dismissing the appeal , that it was implicit in the Housing Act 1957 that a local authority must serve a demand for expenses before bringing an action to recover them under section 10(3) ; but that the requirement to serve such a demand before taking action was a mere procedural step which was not part of the cause of action and that , save as expressly provided by section 10(4) for summary proceedings , the period of limitation began to run from the completion of the works ; and that , accordingly , the action was statute-barred ( post , pp. 126F–G , 129E — 130B ) .
13 Therefore , the sort of person attracted to work in the bureaucracy on the implementation of such programmes was likely to be sympathetic to them and their commitment to the programmes was likely to grow rather than diminish with time .
14 But the main reason why the tide of Thatcherism seemed to ebb after the 1987 election was that its main claim to popular support , the apparent revival of the economy and the stimulus to productive growth , was beginning to lose credibility .
15 In one study of primary schools , the 1918 Handbook of Suggestions for the Consideration of Teachers was quoted as making only one requirement of uniformity , " the Board of Education desired to see in the teaching of public elementary schools … that each teacher shall think for himself , and work out by himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to best advantage and best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school " ( Kogan 1973:145 ) .
16 Dozens of beleagured businessmen in the midst of a painful recession were due to hear Michael Hesletine speak at this conference in Oxfordshire , but the President of the Board of Trade had to cancel at the last minute and the delegates instead got a DTi stand-in .
17 Her whispers of abandonment seemed to echo in the air of the bedroom .
18 From the moment in the mid-Eighties when it became known that Baron Thyssen was hunting a new location for his famous collection of paintings housed until only a few months ago at the lakeside Villa Favorita near Lugano , city fathers and heads of state began to vie for the prestige of exhibiting it .
19 I noted that the Secretary of State omitted to refer to the date when he will be able to tell the House about Mr. Stoner 's opinion .
20 Soon , and no doubt inevitably , some more substantial specks of cloud began to appear in the sky .
21 As the casualty lists mounted , so signs of strain began to appear within the higher commands on both sides , almost simultaneously .
22 The Department of Health refused to comment on the claims .
23 In contrast the authoritarian nature of Tanzanian politics can more usefully be measured by the number of political detainees which exceeded several hundred in the mid 1970s or in terms of the degree of pressure brought to bear on the rural population from 1974 to 1978 .
24 This was a result of pressure brought to bear on the Home Secretary by the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women and the NVA , concerned about fresh revelations in the press over the white slave traffic .
25 In January , as charges of corruption began to mount against the government , Mr Chatichai offered General Chaovalit a job in the cabinet .
26 In effect their fiscal mandate meant their version of reality failed to synchronize with the police world view .
27 It stipulated that at least 60 per cent of lending had to go to the private sector , and no more than 40 per cent to infrastructure projects .
28 Ninety nine per cent of our work was of this nature but the other one per cent of excitement seemed to compensate for the disappointments .
29 The development of the money economy and the decrease in the status attached to ownership of land led to change in the form of family settlements .
30 In Foley v Classique Coaches Ltd [ 1934 ] 2 KB 1 the restraint of trade doctrine was applied to an agreement whereby a purchaser of land agreed to take from the seller all the petrol required for the purchaser 's business carried out on that land .
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