Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In practice , however , progression has been difficult to achieve , and the rites of passage that have been such a feature of our educational organisation — at 11 plus , at the options stage at 14 , and again at 16 — have compounded the problem .
2 Despite all of these changes , the leaders of the change effort consciously supported and maintained those values and ways of work that had been productive in the past , such as joint consultation with the unions .
3 It was characterized by a determined display of party unity , although this was tempered with a greater degree of realism than had been apparent in 1988 .
4 The efforts of Anthony Thompson and his friends , including contingents of willing helpers provided by the St Bede 's Link with Romania , have gone a long way towards enabling Lotsi to achieve his goal and the project has now reached the stage where it will benefit from a greater degree of organisation than has been necessary so far .
5 Mosley himself admired Lloyd George 's qualities of leadership and had been impressed by his energy and administrative skills at the Ministry of Munitions from 1915 to 1916 .
6 Jonathon is a graduate of the Northern College of Music and has been professional as a viola and violin player for 6 years .
7 Section 11 of the Act authorises police officers to arrest anyone they suspect of being or having been involved in terrorist activity .
8 The threatening cloud of gloom that had been pea-sized when they 'd set out for Host Street grew to storm proportions .
9 I have omitted , with reluctance , references to a few natural features of interest that have been subject to abuse of privilege by a minority of visitors .
10 Parliament has thus recognised the unsatisfactory results of the common law privilege against self-incrimination and has been willing to abrogate or modify that privilege .
11 We shall continue to put pressure on local authorities with stock that has been empty for more than a year .
12 of the directors of the company must be nationals of that member state ; ( b ) that the said legal owners and beneficial owners , charterers , managers , operators , shareholders and directors , as the case may be , must be resident and domiciled in that member state ; ( c ) that the vessel in question must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state ? ( ii ) Is the answer to question ( i ) above different where the power exists to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in the member state in question and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state ?
13 His wood comes from forest that 's been coppiced .
14 The issue of the Securitate , which had maintained Ceausescu in power and had been responsible for the bloodshed in the week following the revolution , was another factor which fuelled mistrust .
15 Judicial officials were given more guidance as to punishment than had been available previously , but a great deal of discretion remained .
16 The BVI economy is based primarily on tourism and has been subject to significant expansion .
17 ‘ As for the law changes , I have watched games on television and have been impressed with the way in which the Southern Hemisphere countries have adapted to the new requirements .
18 Both Tustian and Pardoe are among the 600 farmers who are approved by the Soil Association , the largest organic farming body in Britain , whose main criterion is that certified produce must be grown on soil that has been free from artificial additives for at least two years .
19 Paste waxes are best when applied to bare wood , while liquid waxes are suitable for use on furniture that has been French polished or lacquered .
20 In 1926 the South American Bureau complained that the process of ‘ Bolshevisation ’ had been insufficiently implemented in the Chilean party , which had returned representatives and senators to Congress and had been involved in the drafting of the new Constitution of 1925 ( Angell : 1972 , p. 32 ) .
21 Now that he has retired from full time teaching , Guisborough-based John Brelstaff is able to devote more of his time to painting and has been able to resume the work left off when he left the Slade in the mid-Fifties .
22 Graham and Venables have been sniping at refereeing but have been unable to declare publicly their full outrage for fear of FA disrepute charges .
23 They are usually quite a mixed group , some of whom have had bad experiences at school or have been long term truants .
24 He had been interested in tramps since childhood — ' I love a public road' ; he had read Crabbe 's description of a workhouse at school and had been shocked by the confinement of the mentally ill ‘ inasmuch as idiots and lunatics among the humbler classes of society were not to be found in Workhouses — in the parts of the North where I was brought up , — but were mostly at large ’ .
25 We explained all this in detail in the Report ( see chapters 2 to 5 this book ) , and in fact our Report demanded far more teaching about language than had been customary in most classrooms during previous decades .
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