Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Under the system of research funding proposed in the White Paper the principle of plurality of research funding will be maintained , giving institutions access to block funds for research alongside targeted funding for specific projects from the research councils .
2 The Department of Transport finally granted permission for the scheme in February following over ten years of lobbying of Southwark Council by JS .
3 Similarly , infants as young as 6 weeks of age consistently show preferences for familiar as compared to unfamiliar faces .
4 The feudal summons , the summons of the £40 or £20 landowners , and the use of commissions of array thus provided troops for armies led by the king , while the royal household provided the administrative machinery by which wages were paid .
5 The use of fiscal and monetary policies to influence the level of demand also has implications for the prices and growth objectives .
6 The absence of alternation also has consequences for the governing elite .
7 These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews .
8 On the other hand , if it is a matter of content , does the idea of culture only have meaning for students in the humanities and the social sciences ?
9 It is rare , if not unknown , for the same voices to be heard if a sentence is too severe , although the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal frequently reduces sentences for just that reason .
10 For a time the movement for reform even embraced demands for a Constitution .
11 But the fee is still likely to go to an independent tribunal with Forest apparently asking £3m for their former manager 's son .
12 Thus in principle there exist mechanisms for ex post settling up .
13 Collectively , older people need to exploit the full potential of their influence , which will only increase as their numbers grow , in order both to maintain responsibility for their own lives , and to demand their full social , political and economic rights .
14 Henry III originated the practice of forcing landowners to take up knighthood , in order apparently to recruit cavalrymen for an overseas campaign .
15 In addition to reports that are publicly available , three departments have on occasion specially commissioned reports for their own specific needs .
16 He worked all through the war at the steelworks , working till nine at night never taking time for the castings to cool .
17 Where it is necessary for any goods to be sent by post please make allowance for this in your remittance .
18 ( 6 ) In accordance with the constitution of the Labour Party the General Committee of this party or the executive committee of a nationally affiliated organisation shall by resolution formally accept responsibility for the election expenses of the prospective candidate selected and a copy of such resolution shall be attached to the application of the constituency party to the National Executive Committee for endorsement .
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