Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv] [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The proposal was evidently servicing a deficit model of education , which diagnosed that something was wrong with teachers which industry could put right : this at a time when education was faced by changes of revolutionary proportions , new content through curriculum reform required by the Education Reform Act and GCSE , new models of learning , new forms of assessment e.g. Records of Achievement ; new organisations e.g. tertiary colleges ; new accountability , newly appointed parent and industrial governors , new professionalism through initial teacher education , and training reforms for employment training .
2 ‘ A common type of case where problems of timing may arise is one in which the complaint and allegations involved in it are directly or closely associated with criminal proceedings which are pending .
3 But we reject a division between parties of opinion when matters of principle are at stake .
4 It is a position of danger where miracles of healing may occur but miracles of disaster also .
5 These reunite into a single large body of water just north of Altdorf , and from here the river takes on a different character .
6 The ratio of drop out rate of patients in the serotonin reuptake inhibitor group to that in the tricyclic and related antidepressant group ( odds ratio ) was calculated for each study .
7 Article 26 of the 1983 UCP enabled banks to accept freight forwarders ' bills of lading when letters of credit required marine bills of lading if the freight forwarders ' bills of lading indicated that they were issued by a ‘ freight forwarder acting as a carrier , or the agent of a named carrier . ’
8 Some districts have traditional NHS inpatient units and outpatient clinics , but these fell out of favour when studies of outcome revealed that they were not particularly effective and were not reaching a sufficiently wide range of drinkers who might benefit from the service .
9 The more she tries to fix her heart on God who is beyond all man can think and desire , the more she encounters an inner darkness which has " of knowyng ne felyng of loue ne likyng " ( 52.324b. – 124 ) .
10 It 's hard work for the cast , but a spectacle for the audience , a hearty chunk of Broadway where dreams of Hollywood 's golden age live on .
11 There is a readily identified ‘ central government interest ’ within the state of destination where considerations of sovereignty may be seen to be involved and where some knowledge of the nature of the documents is necessary if the state of destination is to be sure that its public policy ( e.g. as to bank secrecy ) is not offended .
12 In this respect , the French government is right to have made the Minister of Culture also Minister of Education ( although whether they have done it for the right reasons , and with the right man is another matter ) .
13 Keane says we need ‘ a differentiated and pluralistic system of power where decisions of interests to collectives of various sites are made autonomously by all their members ’ .
14 As Keane says ‘ How do we guarantee the survival and future growth of democracy … the troubling paradox is the growing respectability of democracy has turned out to be a disappointing affair — ; certainly if democracy means a pluralistic system of power wherein decisions of concern to collectives of various others within civil society and the state are made directly or indirectly by their members ’ .
15 With respect to certain other forms of criminal sexual conduct , however , the legislation has , on the face of it , succeeded in ruling out consideration of consent altogether .
16 In turn however adjustments of attitude and method were demanded of the traditional concerns , some of which had developed simultaneously with , and sometimes interactively with , systems ideas .
17 In fact over 90% of U.K. entrants have degrees , and so you are well advised to study for a degree if you have the opportunity to do so .
18 Obviously , if you are eating more fibre-rich food you are likely to cat more grams of fibre .
19 The Government are not about to hand out dollops of money so that inexperienced people can buy complicated equipment that they then do not know how to use .
20 The ministers also agreed to phase out 85% of production of these chemicals by 1994 .
21 Taiwan , threatened with an international boycott because of its failure to sign the Montreal protocol , has begun taking steps to phase out use of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) .
22 Gairdner , who examined a large number of normal children during their first five years of life , observed that at birth only 4% of children had fully retractile prepuces , while in half the prepuce was partially retractile .
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