Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The commission created a subcommission of members in Paris with Friedel as chairman to work on the document .
2 The need for change hinges on the state of the city coffers .
3 Important work is also progressing in the recognition of engineering drawings for both the lines of the drawings and for text found on the diagrams ( Waite , 1989 ; Dori , 1991 ; Lysak and Kasturi , 1991 ) , and of musical notation ( Fahmy and Blostein , 1991 ) .
4 Reducing the volume of waste not only makes it more manageable and reduces the further risk of contravening the hygiene regulations , but since most local authorities or waste contractors charge for removal based on the volume , you will also make considerable savings on removal charges .
5 While exploring the question of whether bees can use information about direction gathered on the flight back from the food , we transported foragers caught as they were leaving the hive for natural sources to an artificial feeder in the middle of a large car park hundreds of metres from the hive .
6 Also , the constituents of the index do change as entry depends on the size of equity market capitalisation of each company ; a review takes place every three months .
7 He got up and , without much conviction , looked for blood stains on the upholstery .
8 The band left us after lunch to play on the esplanade of Stirling Castle .
9 Battalions of courageous , if not always creative , photographers were dispatched to the ends of the earth to record breathtaking views , edifying ruins and exotic people for home viewing on the stereoscope .
10 Battalions of courageous , if not always creative photographers were dispatched to the ends of the earth to record breathtaking views , edifying ruins and exotic peoples for home viewing on the stereoscope .
11 The fact that is the recognition point for trespass depends on the knowledge that there are no other words beginning with tresp in the language .
12 It is clear that these organizations have different points of unity depending on the concerns of their members .
13 The astonishing show of support came on the day it was revealed that tapes of an intimate phone call between Di and a male friend are almost certainly genuine .
14 Ethel Scrimgeour , ‘ a tall and handsome maiden lady given to piety and good works , whose appearance was made remarkable by an immense knot of hair twisted on the nape of her neck in the mid-Victorian way , ’ remained Joyce 's friend to the last .
15 Julian was telling me that erm he 's house on a Friday night is like a mad house because his daughter does a bit of hair dressing on the side , and she 's having people come to have their hair done
16 A look of horror appeared on the Campbell 's clock face .
17 An inviting smell of liquor rose on the steam .
18 I suspect that part at least of the explanation lies in the pressures which structures of racism exert on the forms of resistance to it .
19 The order of feeding depends on the stoutness of bill .
20 The inhumanity seems to lie in allowing the full weight of responsibility to fall on the child .
21 I have also offered to send a small number of officials from the Ministry of Defence to the Russian Ministry of Defence to advise on the restructuring and control and financing of armed forces in a democratic society .
22 Police chiefs say they had evidence of drug dealing on the site , and had met with violence when they approached before .
23 The extent of inequality depends on the variation in N and , magnified by the serial correlation induced by al in the former case , but moderated by the term .
24 The economic recession of the late 1970s has meant not only that government funds have become even more scarce for such policies but also that government and public concern has shifted away from issues of inequality to concentrate on the problems of productivity and economic growth .
25 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
26 Mr Milne was speaking after some 800 Breton fishermen smashed stalls and equipment at the Rungis market , emptied trucks of imports , crushed shellfish underfoot , pelted riot police with frozen fish and left hundreds of tons of seafood strewn on the ground .
27 The correlation of 0.37 reported by Watts & Quimby ( 1980 ) was of course based on the averaging of ranked data from all subjects .
28 The unique number , which must of course appear on the cost printout , will enable management to identify each individual docket but it may well be a laborious process to extract the costing details for one subsection of a project from the filing for the whole company .
29 The extent of losses from punishment of course depends on the form of punishment adopted ( we consider the question of the credibility of this punishment below , here we examine only its extent ) .
30 Jim Ackland of course remains on the Board of RIBA Companies Ltd , as Vice-President Companies .
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