Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Baldwin 's declaration for Protection had the immediate effect of reuniting the two sections of the Liberal Party around the historic cause of Free Trade , and Asquith and Lloyd George came together at public meetings to exchange insincere pleasantries .
2 Dexter had seen it happen many times before : the moment when a human being slips from conversation into confession , the moment when what seemed like a universal desire to atone for wickedness overwhelmed the conflicting wish for self-preservation .
3 It would not be absurd , nor contrary to the rule of law , for Parliament to prefer the precise construction adopted by the tribunal to that given by the courts .
4 New users of water or those who require more than the maximum amount scheduled in an existing licence have to apply for permission to take the estimated quantity to the water authority in the area in which the works is situated , which will then decide whether sufficient water is available for the new abstraction .
5 We thank the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) for their support and for permission to use the General Household Survey , and the ESRC Data Archive for their continuing help .
6 They applied to the Japanese for permission to fly the national flag and sing the national song , Indonesia Raya .
7 Robin Chambers , the principal of Stoke-Newington school in South London , where the programme has been used for two months , says : ‘ We are ironing out a few difficulties , for instance getting the individual answer sheet completed in the correct way and working out who has the time to do it .
8 The next stage is to translate this into actual artwork , ready for exposure using the ultra-violet system .
9 Or unc In equilibrium , the nominal demand for money equals the nominal money supply so that : unc ( 1 ) Now any increase in the nominal money supply will create an excess supply of money which will lead to an adjustment of portfolios as people attempt to spend their excess money holdings .
10 The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts , Manufactures and Commerce ( RSA ) has outlined new plans for its Better Environment Awards for Industry following the prime minister 's announcement that there will be a new Queen 's Award for Environmental Achievement .
11 Occasionally also gold was moulded and for complex forms the cire-perdue method was used .
12 A few weeks later when the Prime Minister informed the House of the name of the chairman and the terms of reference , it became clear that the remit to consider ways of ‘ limiting ’ or ‘ modifying ’ capital punishment for murder excluded the outright abolition of the death penalty .
13 The Trees seemed to be waiting for Tealtaoich to make the first move and the largest of the Oaks had inclined their heads quite courteously .
14 Other fields for study include the proliferative response in healing gastric ulcers and the changes which may contribute to the clinicopathological diagnosis of Barrett 's oesophagus .
15 In Northumberland , half the farmers are tenant farmers and we need a greater supply of land for rent to ensure the continued prosperity of the tenanted sector , with new entrants being able to come into agriculture .
16 Using the yeast model , they have demonstrated different effects with different degrees of succussion and have also shown that the rest period between finishing the succussion of one potency and sampling it for dilution to prepare the next potency is important .
17 My father went to a police station that evening after work to report the threatening telephone call and the fact that his son was being threatened with extreme violence .
18 The crossing will be manned for two weeks after commissioning to monitor the safe use by drivers .
19 Some of the passengers must have been up just after dawn to watch the huge liner ease its way gently alongside the dock , and those who were n't were beginning gradually to emerge on the upper decks , or to enjoy breakfast by one of the pools .
20 Very many guests return year after year to appreciate the relaxing ambience , fine food , good facilities and the opportunity to totally unwind .
21 Worse still was the Tories ' refusal year after year to make the essential commitment to the productive base of the economy — education and training , research and development , science , transport and communication .
22 After nearly 20 years in the lower echelons of the second division and without a major title to their name , the team with the grand sounding name of Real Club Deportivo de la Coruna have elbowed their way past the giant clubs which year after year dominate the Spanish League , and have made a bold bid for the title .
23 And you are n't asking for help to get the other stuff back into the files at Bad Schwarzendorn . ’
24 It is then important to set against this the qualitative assessments and for management to discuss the relative importance of each type of information before the final decisions are made .
25 Birds using the bay as a stopping-off point for migration include the ringed plover and sanderling .
26 They all dole out three courses unless stated otherwise ; it 's worth taking a day off work to get the full benefit , allowing for recovery time .
27 A database containing information relating to bibliographic references including abstracts will be a literary work as will a database such as LEXIS containing the full text of legal cases and statutes .
28 Little beads of moisture dotted the upper lip .
29 The Labour Unity Campaign Committee statement issued for " Unity Sunday " on 18 July 1937 called on " all supporters of unity to put the utmost energy into the work of rousing the Labour Party membership to the need for immediate struggle for the demands listed in the programme and to lead the revival campaign by their example of practical work " .
30 They found that even small amounts of capsaicin increased the perceived strength of the solutions .
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