Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Or was the way they engaged with these theoretical explanations of racism governed by the same conditions as applied to their reading of the ‘ primary ’ material ?
2 Yoma 's former husband Ibrahim al Ibrahim , appointed by Menem as Chief of Customs at Buenos Aires international airport , along with a former government official , Mario Caserta , had also been accused of drug laundering in the same report .
3 The sense of smell operates in the same way in all mammals , including us .
4 This is achieved by adjusting the spacing between the words and characters as necessary so that each line of text finishes at the same point .
5 Each domain-dictionary achieved its highest z-score when used in the recognition of text taken from the same domain .
6 So we should like to see an authoritative source of comparative APRs : both typical rates and the extremes of the range of rates , for different types of credit and ( where this makes a significant difference ) different types of purchase financed by the same type of credit .
7 But now the club have found that on applying for renewal of permission to play at the same venue next season , the pitch has already been allocated .
8 Mailer 's novel has as its running theme the notion of ‘ Alpha ’ and ‘ Omega ’ — two states of mind coexisting in the same person .
9 From all directions people were still pouring out of the maze of the Old City and heading towards one of the three gates of the Jama Masjid — three seething crocodiles of humanity heading towards the same walled courtyard .
10 The state of siege imposed at the same time was , however , extended by 30 days by a vote of the legislative assembly on Feb. 8 .
11 Cunningham-Burley ( 1985 ) found a rather similar pattern in a piece of work conducted around the same time in Scotland .
12 One of the major achievements of the journeymen in the nineteenth century had been to succeed in having both kinds of work paid at the same rate .
13 The constant narrowing down , redefinition and drawing of ever more refined distinctions lead to a position where the argument has no general significance at all : Greek society , defined in a particular way , represents the advantages of a form of literacy defined in the same way .
14 The claims which they make for the consequences of literacy belong to the same tradition .
15 The requirement is equally complied with if he receives a document of title from his seller and then transfers to the innocent sub-purchaser a different document of title relating to the same goods , Mount v. Jay ( 1960 Q.B. ) .
16 The other caught up round the corner and there were two shadowy forms , skimming silently along together , two waverings of light bouncing and jolting to the fore , and two points of red winking at the same level behind , travelling on .
17 All these facts concerning the particular mechanisms of the paper industry added together meant that it was quite unlikely that Rembrandt would buy two batches of paper prepared by the same paper mill using the same mould .
18 These differences could obviously prove useful in identifying batches of paper made by the same mould .
19 Many of the founders of sociology believed it would be possible to create a science of society based upon the same principles and procedures as the natural sciences such as chemistry and biology , even though the natural sciences often deal with inanimate matter and so are not concerned with feeling , emotions and other subjective states .
20 There is nothing in the Bill which gives the slightest safeguard against that sort of asset stripping by the same companies to which sections of the National Bus Company were sold .
21 The attempt to grasp this difference and to put it into words is a recurrent theme of Formen , especially because the secondary theme is to understand the contradiction which arises when the two opposed conceptions of man occur in the same society in periods of transition .
22 It was still possible that this was thermonuclear fusion taking place in a mass of gas moving in the same direction as the current , but other measurements made this seem very unlikely .
23 Get a piece of glass cut to the same length and depth as the tank , 3mm thick .
24 Yes , but I probably tried to create my own personal brand of Dadaism , just as each of them had their own brand of Dadaism based on the same ideas but expressed in an intensely personal way .
25 The first studies were in coal mines where there were different degrees of mechanisation associated with the same type of working group and it was also possible to distinguish different social organisations working in similar technical environments ( Trist and Murray , 1948 ) .
26 Asserting that the true level of unemployment measured in the same way as it was in 1979 was four million out of work , he said : ‘ There are now only four and a half million people working in manufacturing industry in Britain , bringing us close to a new economic first — fewer people in work making things than we we will have out of work making nothing . ’
27 whatever fosters the growth of culture works at the same time against war .
28 The pupil understands that a larger unit of measurement will produce a smaller numerical answer than a smaller unit of measurement applied to the same length ( Examples 92,93 ) .
29 Designing , implementing and understanding a brand new architecture , such as the blackboard system , is complicated enough without trying to solve the problems of speech processing at the same time .
30 Where any one or more of the earlier operations , however , also constituted transfers of value made by the same transferor , the value transferred by the earlier operations shall be treated as reducing the value transferred by all the operations taken together , except to the extent that the transfer constituted by the earlier operations ( but not that made by all the operations taken together ) is exempt under s18 of the Act ( see IRC v Brandenburg [ 1982 ] STC 555 at p468a , Fynn v IRC ( 1957 ) 37 TC 629 and Corbett 's Executors v IRC ( 1943 ) 25 TC 305 ) .
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