Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As for public relations , who could dislike for long the public relations man with his gin and tonic in hand , carnation in his button-hole , and soothing , helpful words ?
2 An investigation was ordered by the Chief Inspector of Air Accidents yesterday into how a British Airways Concorde lost a 6ft by 4ft section of its rudder while flying to New York last month .
3 This method gives you the choice of having your pension paid direct into a bank or National Giro account ; or , alternatively , into an investment account with either the National Savings Bank or with most building societies .
4 ‘ Has Eleanor gone ? ’ asked Julius 's voice a little roughly , from only a few feet way .
5 Moreover , few families can have such secure or cheap fuel supplies today as those who can obtain their annual needs from only a few days work spent cutting , drying , hauling and stacking peat .
6 One lesson learned from the results of the February nineteenth-century painting sales in New York is that , as in perhaps no other paintings field , subject is everything .
7 In just a few seconds Rob would be talking to her and it would be all right .
8 But in just a few years computers have made many specialised tasks obsolete , enabling one person not only to do the work of many , but to do many different jobs at once .
9 You should also ensure that the product and the installer has approval certificates from either the British Standards Institution ( BSI ) or the British Board of Agrément ( BBA ) .
10 Quorum Software Systems Inc , the Menlo Park , California outfit which has already done a version of its Compatibility Engine — allowing Apple Macintosh programmes to run on RISCs — for Solaris , is currently negotiating terms with SunSoft to so a similar Windows product , saying it would be an easier job than the Macintosh version .
11 Technically , according to almost every human rights convention or legal instrument on refugees and displaced people , the Palestine refugees enjoy an unassailable moral right to return .
12 Since then the Financial Services Act 1986 and the Companies Act 1989 have required us to do likewise in relation to investment business and to audit work .
13 I can not give a reliable date as to when the Metropolitan police report in the case of the first matters will be available , but I have no reason to suppose that it is not being prosecuted with all celerity by the dedicated team that the Commissioner has made available .
14 Should you require additional copies then simply send a large stamped addressed envelope to either the Scottish Sports Council , the National Coaching Centre Edinburgh ( Moray House College , Cramond Campus , Cramond Road North , Edinburgh EH4 6JD ) or the National Coaching Centre Glasgow ( Division of PE , Sport and Outdoor Education , Jordanhill College , Southbrae Drive , Glasgow G13 1PP ) , marking your enquiry ‘ Free Coaching Poster Offer ’ .
15 This was to give teachers a greater understanding of the dynamics of their classroom and to enable interdepartmental discussion about how the new Humanities course was working .
16 After a two-year common course students elect and are selected for either a three-year honours degree in Consumer Studies or a four-year sandwich degree in Consumer Studies which , as well as leading to the award of an honours degree , includes a Diploma in Industrial Studies ( DIS ) awarded for the successful completion of a year 's industrial placement .
17 In its full-page and horrendously expensive advertisements in the national press , and now ( the latest manifestation ) in a booklet with a cover that at only a few metres distance looks like gold-tooled morocco , it comes perilously close to transgressing those rules of the Advertising Standards Authority that ensure that all ads are honest , fair , accurate , unimpeachable and altogether above reproach .
18 Such heavy particles can not be created at even the highest energies particle accelerators can reach , but they could have been produced copiously in the aftermath of the big bang , with which , cosmologists generally believe , the Universe began .
19 Although both the USSR and Somalia downplayed the Soviet presence in Berbera , there existed at least a long-range communications station for submarines at Berbera , which formed part of the Soviet nuclear strategic infrastructure .
20 At least the European Communities Act , if I remember rightly , had been the subject of a debate or two .
21 The income trust will invest in between 60 and 70 UK stocks — mainly blue chip companies like ICI — and will seek to maintain at least the current dividends levels in all but ‘ the worst possible economic circumstances . ’
22 That said , Tuxedo and Encina are aeons away from each other too , while CICS/6000 is at least an open systems migration route for standard CICS skills and applications .
23 Consequently , at balance , in addition to equation ( 7.28 ) applying , the mesh currents are given by Now the potential differences V 1 and V 2 applied to the two meshes by the source transformer are again in the ratio given by equation ( 7.25 ) and combining equations ( 7.25 ) , ( 7.28 ) and ( 7.29 ) yields as the balance condition for the double-transformer ratio-arm bridge .
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