Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [adv] as it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 10.7.10 The rights and licences hereby granted or agreed to be granted to a Non-academic Party pursuant to Clauses 10.7.2 b to 10.7.6 shall be exercisable on identical terms by any Related company of that Party for so long as it remains such , subject to the obtaining from such companies of suitable undertakings as to confidence and delivery up .
2 One year later she and her husband were expressing their thanks to the Home Support Project for helping them to go on looking after Mrs Cummings at home , and said that although it was still a strain it was ‘ nowhere near as hard as it has been , now that we 've got other people to help us ’ .
3 But the process does n't work ( that is , accord with our intuitions ) anything like as powerfully as it does in music .
4 ‘ Men who are rappers have to be sexist or they 're gon na lose their credibility , so they 're gon na continue to dis women for as long as it proves their manhood .
5 The silence may not last — but for as long as it does , the government has a chance to strengthen France 's macroeconomic foundations .
6 In TRACE II , a parallel architecture is employed in which each of the nodes is a relatively simple processing element which continues to send activation and inhibition to other nodes for as long as it remains active .
7 Immediate first aid for a bleeding nose is to tilt the head back and pinch the nostrils together for as long as it takes .
8 The compensation deal will cost the government an estimated A$100m and involves Canberra waiving airport landing charges for as long as it takes the airlines to recoup their losses from keeping about 21,000 non-pilot employees on their staff during the dispute .
9 A spokesman said the seven Kurds released from Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , and all 18 from Gloucester Prison were given temporary admission ‘ for as long as it takes to assess their cases ’ .
10 With its inflation still rising , the country on the verge of a perilous wage-price spiral and public finances deeply in the red , the Bundesbank has made it clear that it will keep the German economy locked in a vice of high interest rates for as long as it takes to squeeze out inflation .
11 In extremely dry periods , the lungfish of Africa just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of their temporary ponds , and wait for as long as it takes until it rains again .
12 We just use whatever plane we can for as long as it takes : Singapore in eight hours of helicopter flight , Egypt in 50 .
13 They had little alternative but to stay there ‘ for as long as it takes ’ .
14 For the next few days — for as long as it takes — you just continue your life as though nothing has happened .
15 Then freeze it for as long as it takes .
16 ‘ That done , ’ he went on determinedly , ‘ and for as long as it takes for him to get you out of his system , you will be my girlfriend .
17 I 'll carry on for as long as it takes .
18 One young man said he was told in an interview at the company 's Middlesbrough office : ‘ Be prepared to sit in someone 's house for as long as it takes .
19 The heating is switched on only for as long as it takes to dry the washing .
20 Keep cutting the grass for as long as it grows vigorously .
21 There is , indeed , a much less rigid distinction between working and non-working hours , for with easier accessibility between home and workplace the farm worker tends to be involved in the job for as long as it demands , rather than working to any set hours .
22 ‘ For now , and for as long as it lasts .
23 Like a couple of chums , but that 's about as far as it goes .
24 The literary tradition is valued in so far as it offers a critical evaluation of this transformation and its consequences .
25 Product market signals can , however , be amplified by linking management remuneration to company performance , and thus while the market may be largely ineffective in so far as it offers threats , it can be made to function better by providing incentives .
26 It does , however , link the law to the idea of harm and this is valuable in so far as it reduces the risk that boisterous behaviour , or other non-violent activity , can by itself amount to a breach of the peace .
27 As strategic proposals emerge , each subsystem will evaluate them against developments in other subsystems , in so far as it perceives them to affect it too .
28 Of the three gradation schemes under discussion , the Canadian is the simplest in so far as it creates only three degrees of offence .
29 To the Sufi the divine is in all things and manifested to the seer , and it is this divine attribute that he sees and which is transferred to the work of the poet and the mystic ; and that work is authentic in so far as it depicts faithfully the himma or emotional part of the event .
30 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
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