Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] [noun pl] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is in Africa and India that one can still find patients ravaged by the late complications of syphilis , gonorrhoea , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and any hopes of eventually controlling levels of infection will almost certainly depend on paramedical or ‘ barefoot ’ doctors ’ playing a larger role .
2 Presumptions of legislative intent , which draw their strength from judicial perceptions of widely held notions of justice and fairness , can not in normal circumstances override the explicit terms of an Act of Parliament .
3 Pointing out that there have been blunders in the past through the introduction of inadequately evaluated methods of prophylaxis ( for example , oxygen for retinopathy of prematurity ) which , with the benefit of hindsight , would not have occurred had they been investigated properly , has all the conviction of a sermon in a secular world .
4 It ensures the ability of democratically elected Members of Parliament to discuss what they will ( freedom of debate ) and to say what they will ( freedom of speech ) .
5 Also there should be an effective and widely respected authority which can solve disputes and give penalties in the case of infringement of mutually agreed codes of practice .
6 His interest in hygiene and disinfection was evident in sales of ‘ ozone water ’ , in his patents dealing with the preparation and use of chlorine and of highly oxidized compounds of manganese , and in his authorship of five short books on the topic between 1860 and 1867 .
7 They also provided a focal point for developing ideas about ‘ normalization ’ and the provision of individually planned packages of care ( Brown , 1990 ) .
8 The concept of key worker or care manager of the Griffiths report and the idea of individually planned packages of care for disabled people have great attractions for the carers of dementia sufferers .
9 Using a series of specially devised tests of production and comprehension it was possible to identify a pattern of sign language learning among social workers for the deaf in the UK which is different from that for second language learning .
10 Criminal statistics , which reflect only the informal justice which was held compatible with these all-too-human streets , and faded photographs of carefully posed moments of tranquillity , tell us one thing about this ‘ stable and carefree era ’ .
11 The clothes were a prop and according to his club mates the money was made of carefully clipped strips of newspaper .
12 Here I wish to focus on the employment of carefully controlled acts of aggression against the animal world as a means of modifying their relations with the spirit world .
13 In a useful comparative study , Entin and Klare ( 1978 ) used the statistical technique of factor analysis to compare the results of a number of independently conducted studies of readability .
14 Ought we not rather to think in terms of partially intersecting views of context ?
15 It appears that about two-thirds of well documented cases of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis in the United Kingdom will prove infected , and that at least a sixth of patients with cryptosporidiosis will have AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis if subjected to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
16 For example , where pragmatics is construed as the study of grammatically encoded aspects of context , we might want to say : ( 18 ) f(s)=c where c is the set of contexts potentially encoded by elements of S i.e. f is a theory that " computes out " of sentences the contexts which they encode Or , alternatively , where pragmatics is defined as the study of constraints on the appropriateness of utterances , we could say : ( 19 ) f(u)=a where A has just two elements , denoting the appropriate vs. the inappropriate utterances i.e. f is a theory that selects just those felicitous or appropriate pairings of sentences and contexts — or identifies the set of appropriate utterances Or , where pragmatics is defined ostensively as a list of topics , we could say : ( 20 ) f(u)=b where each element of B is a combination of a speech act , a set of presuppositions , a set of conversational implicatures , etc. i.e. f is a theory that assigns to each utterance the speech act it performs , the propositions it presupposes , the propositions it conversationally implicates , etc .
17 Further insights into the differential expression of alternatively spliced variants of tenascin will help us to understand differences between normal and tumor cell expression and function .
18 He knew how to create extraordinary visual effects simply by changing the direction of his brush stroke , so that light streams down from an unseen sun , or a horizon line is conjured up out of three horizontal bands of subtly modulated shades of blue .
19 Such measures take into account society 's expectations of steadily rising standards of living , which also affect those living in poverty .
20 Section 5.4 is also interesting because the problem it raises cuts across the boundaries of linguistically defined levels of analysis .
21 As a positive step towards ensuring some uniformity of treatment of all other non-secret operations , in both public and private sectors , the Committee strongly advocated a set of publicly known Codes of Practice , to one or other of which every user would be required to subscribe .
22 It is certainly true that , in most applications , some records are processed far more frequently than others , and a number of commonly occurring distributions of update frequency are examined below .
23 It is about the same as we can anticipate in the next century , on the basis of currently predicted rates of greenhouse warming , according to scientists like Tom Wigley , Director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia .
24 erm If you further make things difficult from the point of view of actually banning imports of timber from Uganda you may in fact be able .
25 This join is effected by a direct butt joint between suitably faced surfaces of steel and oak timbers along the bottom and sides of the tank end and of the channel end ( figure 6 ) .
26 Specialist local authority homes for dementia , to which new residents could be admitted , or to which residents of " ordinary " homes could be transferred at later stages , are a possibility , but are against strongly held principles of integration and continuity of care .
27 Whatever the image of Brent , now and in the past , I would applaud it , in my time there , for honestly addressing issues of selection policy that most other authorities were too faint-hearted to address [ the ad hominem attack is typical ] .
28 Wilson ( 1991 ) argues that in reality most old people can live well and independently with properly targeted inputs of help at times of crisis or illness .
29 Some of them are American and a subset of them have this risible attitude that they can get away with just making loads of noise and , as long as the audience is in a similarly altered state of mind , no-one will be the wiser .
30 ’ . It should come as no surprise , therefore , to find that a well-disciplined human body with clearly defined parameters of correctness will provide a symbolic mirror of the preferred police social formation in which the human condition can be enacted .
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