Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] as i [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ See you later , Boyo , ’ he shouted after me as I set off , rifle over my shoulder , through the trees in the direction of Brigade H.Q
2 Charlie cantered after me as I hurried back to the Dressing Room .
3 The eldest of the group who moved towards me as I jumped out of the van was no more than thirty .
4 I blame the fact that a crow chose to hover below me as I scrambled up a tricky bit of path , made more perilous by loose shifting gravel .
5 By definition , if there are hundreds and thousands of them , I must meet one or two of them as I go around , but I never do .
6 As ever , little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion , and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings .
7 Maybe it had some bearing on Uncle Fred 's last words to me as I went off to do my National Service in the army .
8 When my hon. Friend has been returned with an increased majority in his marginal seat , he will no doubt wish to make representations to me as I carry on with my present job .
9 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
10 The haunting words of Dowson 's poem , which had brought us together again in 1943 , returned to me as I stood on that Paris balcony :
11 The man beckoned to me as I stood around vaguely , and asked me to fetch cognac for him , vodka with ice for his wife and … what for Nell ?
12 I can decide to call myself Mary or Kate or Abigail if I feel like it , I said to myself as I sauntered along ( and up , and down , and round and round ) the sunny streets of Bristol .
13 I thought about it as I walked up through the weedy garden .
14 He did n't even look at me as I walked over to him .
15 On the way I passed the rabbit I thought had escaped , lying just before the sparkling clean water of the stream ; blackened and contorted , locked into a weird , twisted crouch , its dead dry eyes staring up at me as I passed by , accusatory .
16 There 's still some old leaves that ai n't been brushed up yet , so I kick at them as I go along .
17 I screamed at him as I ran off through the woods .
18 There was a layer of grey-blue smoke in the room at about shoulder level , and a big wave in it , probably produced by me as I came in through the double doors of the back porch .
19 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
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