Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 The difference between them is to do with the starting point which they adopt and the nature and scope of the changes that are envisaged .
2 Hopefully , you will have anticipated this by having shot some spare length which can be sacrificed to make room for the insert , the edit in and edit out points for which are determined with the help of the cue/review buttons .
3 Tenders were sought for a prototype body , 50 feet long and 8 feet wide , clearances for which were tested with the remaining Coronations .
4 Hewlett Packard and Apricot , both of whom are going with the Aldus/Microsoft package , are rather more conservative and reckon perhaps 15 to 20 each .
5 They had three daughters , none of whom was connected with the family business .
6 Again , there was a problem of a ticket barrier , but this time someone in front of me was arguing with the inspector so I was able to pass unhindered .
7 Moreover , many of them were made with the aim of preserving achievements from an earlier period ( particularly , the stable currency and low inflation ) .
8 It is possible to imagine that one of them was brightening with the low cunning of unscrupulous greed and that the other was already stepping into that heavy gloom of shame and guilt which could only take him to the hospital or worse .
9 A few students were arrested and there was little chance of their being treated with the ‘ human rights ’ demanded during the December demonstrations .
10 This is affected by many things , most of which are to do with the interests and the values of the researcher , which are usually interrelated .
11 Any work of art is a complex vibratory system to which our senses and nervous system respond , and any object such as the sacred wooden boards or Tapundas , or the stone Tjinas of the Aborigines , many of which are inscribed with the serpent motif , or any object that has been submitted to human veneration through actions or desires , remains charged with psychic power that can be transmitted or given off in energetic emanations providing there has been no transformation of the original material used in its creation .
12 Then there are the ‘ semi-nude virgins ’ who move in carefully choreographed , ritualized patterns on the fringes of the field and the frenzied chanting of the worshipping onlookers , all of which is overlaid with the ‘ Oedipus theme of willingness to die for love of Mother ’ , or Alma Mater , to give the deity its more familiar institutional name .
13 On March 6 , 1990 , both Presidents signed the " San Pedro Alejandrino " agreement promising to implement future proposals of existing bilateral border commissions and setting up five more bilateral commissions , one of which was to deal with the controversial issue of territorial demarcation in the Gulf of Venezuela .
14 This belief was fostered by the churches , the floors and walls of which were incised with the records of those who had gone before , but it was expressed positively in the family .
15 Hercules acquired through Athena an enormous bronze rattle made by Hephaistos , and with this he scared them from their coverts , then shot them down with arrows , the tips of which were poisoned with the blood of the Hydra .
16 Strathclyde has a substantial history of take-up campaigns , some of which were undertaken with the full co-operation of the DSS .
17 Erm I I I I will apologize if I am wrong but my interpretation of the table is that erm could you say chairman wh which of three rows of We 're dealing with the the top part of the table all vehicle travellers ,
18 The shock of her discovery and his malevolent thoughts of her were gone with the lessening of the storm .
19 Less bone is ingested by diurnal raptors , because some of it is left with the uneaten carcase after soft parts have been stripped off , whereas more of the bone is eaten by owls .
20 Much of it was to do with the personality of the editor , Richard Neville .
21 I think a lot of it was to do with the fact that I 'd never driven in the dark before .
22 As well as this , the insider must hold that information by virtue of his being connected with the company or the related company .
23 We wish we could publish an account of what was done with the money .
24 Indeed , I 'm not er sure that there are n't still members of both our organizations who believe that right now each of us is supping with the devil .
25 Given the choice , and assuming that precious few of us are blessed with the ideal soil type , it is probably better for garden land to err on the heavy side .
26 Unfortunately , few of us are blessed with the bushman knowhow of Crocodile Dundee to soothe the savage beasts .
27 It might be best if you and not one of us were to deal with the boy .
28 In consideration of your being provided with the Information , you hereby agree with KPMG Peat Marwick , the Company and the Vendors on the following terms .
29 Meanwhile , in coversville you have The Mamas And The Papas ' ‘ Getting Better ’ complete with frazzled Brit signature — now it sounds like it was written with The Bull And Gate in mind !
30 An extreme version of the historical relationship approach is Anderson ( 1979 ) where large ‘ pre-historic ’ families of sign languages are postulated on such evidence as whether the sign for ONE is formed with the extended thumb ( A ) or index finger ( G ) ( fig. 8.2 ) .
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