Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Dr Crockett , Mr Michael Bewick , a leading kidney transplant surgeon , and Mr Michael Joyce , a urologist at Guy 's Hospital , deny professional misconduct over their involvement in transplanting kidneys from four living Turks , all of whom were paid for the organs .
2 A great majority of them are looking for the theatre of books , and it is not there .
3 Little wonder , really , that right now the two of them are looking for the time of their life with someone of their own age .
4 More sophisticated rules for smoothing these end values are available , but discussion of them is postponed for the present .
5 Of greater significance than the numbers of schools established in 1850 to 1860 is the fact that some of them were founded for the express purpose of teaching deaf children through the Oral System .
6 Brahe complies , and they enter into a description of the accelerator and the experiment , the details of which are covered for the reader ( not for them ) by the engine noise :
7 The Accademia 's curator Annalisa Perissa Torrina has compiled detailed notes on each of the 221 drawings now in the Accademia and has identified the original sources of the reproductive drawings , 124 of which are reproduced for the first time .
8 It 's pegged to the ground using 11 pegs , one of which is used for the back guyline .
9 The Master of the Merchant Venturers graciously made Merchants Hall available for these dinners , the first of which was organised for the Faculty of Medicine .
10 He contributed two articles to the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1875–88 ) , for which his father also wrote , and thirty-nine articles to the eleventh edition ( 1910–11 ) , seven of which were revised for the fourteenth ( 1929 ) .
11 The wisdom of the Northern Ireland Branch of introducing a Grade 4B a few years ago , is paying off now , when this grade attracted an entry of 21 bands , some of which were playing for the first time .
12 This was rejected on the grounds that there was nowhere else to put the rescued artifacts , many of which were designed for the house .
13 It is quite obvious that if all of you are going for the same niche in the marketplace , as is happening increasingly at present , then it will be a highly competitive situation where you will have to rely even more than usual on the superiority of your own skills or technology to bring you through .
14 Regardless of who 's caring for the child , both parents are still responsible and should still be involved in any decision making .
15 The insert procedure itself varies somewhat from model to model , but the essence of it is to arrange for the over-recording to end at a pre-determined out point .
16 George Wade then took over the studio of Sir J. Edgar Boehm [ q.v. ] and in 1891 his bust of I. J. Paderewski was so appreciated that 500 reproductions of it were ordered for the American market alone .
17 Nevertheless , Debord 's place within a reified history of ‘ political modernism ’ is assured , more by virtue of what is claimed for the work than by its testing in public — Levin admits that screenings have been rare , especially outside France .
18 The bureaucrat will attempt to acquire a budget in excess of what is required for the level of output indicated by the equation of marginal cost and political demand .
19 This went on for three hours while the rest of us were preparing for the move to Canjuers .
20 To an extent , the stormy exterior mirrored the relationship of their employers , Bernard and Laura ; but underneath everyone was shooting for the same goal .
21 Finally , there are two 8 ohm speaker outputs , with one being used for the unit 's internal driver .
22 But what has been said so far , that the flipping and the circumstance including it were required for the wipers ' starting to work , is consistent with the cause existing without that effect .
23 The relevant circumstances are set out in s1(2) of that Act which states : ( 2 ) The circumstances referred to in the preceding subsection [ the extinguishment of any right of the sender to the goods ] are that the goods were sent to the recipient with a view to his acquiring them , that the recipient has no reasonable cause to believe that they were sent with a view to their being acquired for the purposes of a trade or business and has neither agreed to acquire nor agreed to return them , and either ( a ) that during the period of six months beginning with the day on which the recipient received the goods the sender did not take possession of them and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so ; or ( b ) that not less than thirty days before the expiration of the period aforesaid the recipient gave notice to the sender in accordance with the following sub-section , and that during the period of thirty days beginning with the day on which the notice was given the sender did not take possession of the goods and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so .
24 Elsewhere , his fierce determination not to get out led to a suspicion of selfishness , and , in 1965 , to his being dropped for the funereal pace of his Edgbaston century against New Zealand .
25 On the other hand , removal of a functional group interacting with a residue other than His197 should lead to a decrease in affinity for the H197A mutant compared with the wild type , analogous to what is observed for the parent compound CP 96345 .
26 Both were very interesting and fun , but nothing compared to what was planned for the rest of the holiday .
27 If those that are knocked out have opposite signs , what remains may be close enough to what was expected for the element to ‘ guess ’ what it is supposed to do .
28 The elections for it were promised for the following year and already by the time of the secretary of state 's television broadcast in early September both the NIO and the Ulster political parties were evolving respective plans .
29 Now we learn that tampons are not classed as medical appliances and therefore not subject to the same stringent government legislation on manufacture and sterility which applies to say condoms which when you come to think about it are destined for the same anatomical region .
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