Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was as usual training his sights exclusively on the goal currently in view , in this case the unification of South Africa , the kindergarten campaign for which seemed at that moment to require a concession to Afrikaner racial prejudice .
2 They were found in 16% of 98 children who had completed a course of sclerotherapy , all of whom responded to simple dilatation .
3 Similar letters were addressed to A and to the company , neither of whom had at that time been charged with any offence under the Act .
4 The trio — all of whom had at one time endured menial jobs in factories , Stock making gaskets , Aitken fizzy drinks and Waterman manufacturing telephone dials — were now at the helm of the 1980 ’ s most phenomenal Hit Factory .
5 They had two sons , one of whom died on active service in 1944 , and one daughter .
6 The team was on the mountain — although on the opposite side — at the same time as Ulric and Cathy Jessop , the latter of whom died from pulmonary oedema during a retreat , unbeknown to the south face team .
7 From the eleventh century on , the old basis of feudal knighthood became increasingly artificial ; and it is a strange irony that the Norman kings , all of whom relied in large measure on money to recruit their armies , should have introduced the most complete feudal structure of the old kind into England .
8 They were precipitated by the resignations in December 1990 of Michel Noir , 46 , and of two fellow dissident members of the " Renovator " faction of the opposition neo-Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) , all of whom stood as ex-RPR by-election candidates .
9 A Conservative government , if you believe their manifesto , ought not even to be considering putting money into dying private-sector firms , but Huerter employ a lot of people , many of whom voted for this government .
10 The three of them looked at each other , and Husband said cautiously : ‘ If you say a matter of hours , you do mean tonight ? ’
11 The three of them looked into each other 's faces , and seemed to breathe more freely .
12 Few of them recovered from this experience .
13 Only 1,000 people work on long-term — usually one-to two-year — secondments in the UK at present , many of them arranged by London-based secondment broker the Action Resource Centre .
14 The four of them lived in one house with the father of the two men .
15 Was it Gregory Peck or one of them walked into this studio in America , oh James Stewart was it ?
16 Clinically , an acute self limiting obstructive condition was evident in 13 cases with AA , and 12 of them returned to normal bowel function after receiving total parenteral nutrition .
17 So elegant chateaux , some of them pressed into contemporary usefulness without loss of character , exist beside new swimming pools .
18 The ladies murmured reluctant agreement , since most of them had at one time or another tried to oust her from at least one of the appointments which they themselves coveted .
19 A further survey of men in the Camberwell Reception Centre one night in 1965 found that a quarter of them had at one time been in mental hospitals and a further quarter were heavily dependent on alcohol .
20 A batch of them came in this morning . ’
21 When questioned further very few of them thought of this God or power as a man , but either as a person without a body or as something like air or gas , and a few said they did not know or that there was no God .
22 The information flew over the Normandy beaches and as they approached the town of Caen , a wing ahead of them ran into heavy flak .
23 So , when they had finished their ward round , the two of them went to each patient in turn and inquired tactfully whether they ate earth .
24 She is looking for critical views against which to pitch her own ; it seems that she may have chosen the wrong sort of topic , since on a holiday in Italy she had been stunned by the newly renovated Michelangelo ceiling in the Sistine Chapel in Rome , and although there were plenty of books about it , many of them went into extravagant detail .
25 They presented a target thus for only a matter of seconds , though three of them fell in that time ; then they were hand-to-hand and at blows with the prince 's bodyguard and this was battle as it had formerly been understood between knights , and the hovering archers were crippled and out of the fight .
26 The three of them watched in breathless silence as the doors reached their maximum aperture .
27 During 1981–2 , twenty schemes of Unified Vocational Preparation were run in Wales , all of them sponsored by industrial training boards and the further education colleges .
28 Hospitals throughout the area were put on full alert as fleets of ambulances carried the injured , most of them hit by flying glass , to casualty departments .
29 If they became angry at things said to them by professionals , as a majority of them did at some point , the horrifying causes of their anger were true , and were not projections of their own distress on to the professional concerned .
30 Books — shelves and shelves of books , reaching up to the ceiling , most of them bound in pale calf with gold lettering on the spines .
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